The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

Interesting that Romney and Manchin are sitting together, and nobody wants to talk to them. I think they’d make a great No Labels Team!

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Already resorting to begging for a 3rd party run to steal votes from your opponent? Seems desperate!

IVF was just approved in Alabama, and the Republicans are totally in support of helping women. We are stronger on IVF than the Democrats!

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Why doesn’t he bring up East Palestine and the other Towns all throughout America that he has left behind, and destroyed with Inflation?

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Shawn Fain sold out the Auto Workers, ALL Electric Cars will be built in China within three years. THEY SHOULD THROW HIM OUT, MICHIGAN IS ASHAMED OF WHAT HE HAS DONE!

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Biden dying of Covid right after giving a banger SOU would be the most Biden thing ever.


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Always projection with him.

LOL. Even Trump is implicitly admitting Biden is giving a great SOTU address.


Daddy running out of afrin


Biden talked about the SNICKERS Bars, before he talked about the Border!

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Not sure if we’re missing bot truths, but definitely seems like Trump is a little lost on what he can attack in this SOTU. If he’s attacking the throwaway snickers line, that a pretty good sign for Biden.

(image TRUTH)

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See, as he’s getting ready to cough yet again into his right hand, the Fake News Media rushes him off the screen!

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You showed up to a debate knowing you had covid. Shut the fuck up and die already.

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He wants to take away everyone’s gun. Remember that when you go to the Voting Booth, because if I’m not elected, your guns are GONE, along with your Freedom!

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This some real low energy small dick stuff from Donald tonight


What a contrast between Republicans and Democrats!

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