The Donald J. Trump — Live Tweeting/Truths & Discussion Thread (Part 2)

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So hot take, there’s only a few things this guy actually cares about and one of them is “delivering his campaign promises”. If he’s saying he’s going to deport millions of people he’s going to fucking try. And thats his whole campaign at this point so to speak. I mean he’s going to take office and start building camps, only thing that really makes sense.

I don’t know, they’ve been pressed repeatedly on exactly how that roundup would work and they can never answer.

No matter how they try to do it, logistically it would have to involve massive inconvenience (and no doubt massive civil rights violations) to citizens and I expect there will be significant backlash once that inconvenience starts happening.

I’m with grue. In part because Trump will want to, in part because this time the Project 2025 people will get the right people in place to execute, and in part because the judiciary is not going to stop them.

They don’t want to give details because they know it’ll sound awful to normies. In red states, regular law enforcement could be used or the National Guard could be assigned to round people up. In blue states, he’d have to send in ICE, CBP, DEA, etc, but who’s going to stop him?

I assume he’ll start with Venezuelans and Haitians, but there’s really nothing stopping him from making a list of countries he wants to deport people from and my understanding of the Alien Enemies Act is that even green card holders could be deported in this situation. Naturalized citizens should be safe.

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Also worth noting that the Alien Enemies Act is what was used to intern Japanese-Americans, including native-born American citizens of Japanese descent. So the real limit is just what SCOTUS says it is.



Concepts of a plan.

Spicy. He cared about the wall. How much new wall he build? How much did Mexico pay? He will do stuff, like dismantle regulations, if it’s easy.

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25 days from now, we are going to WIN Nevada, we are going to defeat Kamala Harris, and we are going to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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All this evil shit will be easy because like commonWealth said this time around Trump has a deep bench of sick fucks just waiting to execute Project 2025. Trump 45 would just say he did things and take credit for it while actually doing nothing but Trump 47 has a team of weirdos itching to do some WWII reenacting.


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We are now known, all throughout the world, as an OCCUPIED COUNTRY. We are not going to stand for it. We are an occupied state that refuses to let our great law enforcement professionals do the job they so dearly want to do…

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