The Hot Take Thread

Dairy improves every food, recipe, cuisine, and food type imaginable, except Chinese and Indian Food.

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I like some fruit (though admittedly there are a lot I don’t like).

But just don’t cook it and/or try to put it in my dessert.

Chapo Trap House is now embarrassingly bad


Chapo Trap House has always been embarrassingly bad*

*I’ve never listened, just seen their shit on Reddit and whatnot


lots of the left have fallen victim to the complete brain rot on twitter, lots of which is amplified by bad actors and rampant misinformation


Anal sechs is better than vaginal. Giving at least.

oh god no

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Spicy hot take: spicy food is stupid just eat broken glass if you need your mouth to hurt you masochists.

You are the culinary equivalent of dudes that pound nails through their scrotums for funsies.

Legit hot take: the food in Italy isn’t very good.

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Buying certain timeshares on the resale market for pennies on the dollar is not always a poor life decision if the company has built-in options for surrendering and exiting the timeshare free of charge, the maintenance fees are low and have historically stayed low, and the timeshare system is points-based.



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Is this more Disney propaganda?

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Rome for fucking sure.

Disney Adjacent.


Terrible take. After you build up tolerance, you get to appreciate the flavor underneath.


yes, except the trend on the super hot sauces these days are basically to make them pure capsaicin, which is disgusting.

chinese hot pot is amazing.

Hear the same thing about CBT but that’s a pass for me too, dog (no kink shaming).

But sure once the tears stop and your vision clears and the snot stops pouring out of your nose and your tastebuds grow back there is a whole magical universe of flavors to enjoy!

LOL so true, it’s much easier to find good (or at least avoid bad) Italian food in Berlin than Rome or Naples.

People who make travelling their whole personalities are some of the least deep and most annoying


you mean i wont expand my horizons by spending a week in a resort in cabo?