The Hot Take Thread

I think the travel hipsters going on and on about “local/authentic” stuff and the fish mongers house they stayed at are almost more annoying. At least the resort people are generally done talking about the trip in less than a minute

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I’ve eaten authentic mexican food about a mile from the border while someone with a straight face goes on and on about how much better/more authentic it is in mexico, I know what you mean. like if I go 1 mile south all of a sudden the food is different. lol.

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Always was.

These are actually the people I mean who make travelling their whole personality. Just because you slept in a hostel and ate dinner at some local restaurants in Cuzco, Bangkok, and Instanbul doesn’t mean you’ve developed some sort of unique insight into humans.

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The correct word to describe Everything Everywhere All At Once is simply “good”.


Though at the moment I am rooting for it to win BP, because all the other nominees I’ve seen are anywhere between “maybe decent” and “absolutely fucking horrendous”.

Calling for a pass was a good decision in that NE/SEA Super Bowl when everyone was saying they should have handed off to Marshawn. It was 2nd down with only 1 TO.

What was awful was the actual formation and play they ran. Lining up in shotgun with not even a threat of a run (outside of a QB keeper or some kind of weird sweep play with Lynch) was so, so bad. Get a 2nd dude in the backfield and do a fucking play action and see if a TE gets open. Even a goddamn fade would have been better.

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Agreed, I have found this to be Universally true. If someone tries to challenge someone else’s “worldliness” based upon how well travelled the other person is with respect to that person, that person is always 100 percent an extremely huge douche. The biggest douche I have ever encountered in my entire life was like that.

Yeah and it’s interesting that this is almost entirely conveyed by phrasing/tone/demeanor rather than actual content of what they talking about. Like talking to a reasonable person about a cool trip and seeing pictures is great.

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too many people agree. cold take!



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Now that is a hot take. I put sliced almonds and pecans in basically all the ice cream I eat at home.

Pecans/walnuts woat IMO. Such a fucking dry texture and little pieces seem to linger in my mouth/throat.

Do love almonds though

The only good nut is the cashew.

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Cashews are indeed the best nut. I love nuts, just not when they’re ruining an otherwise good dessert.

Good almond:

Bad almond:

The worst thing that ever happened to anybody is when I bought a pint of Kroger’s “death by chocolate” ice cream without checking the ingredients. GTFO almonds in ice cream might as well be crunchy desiccated cat turds. Oh the humanity.

So many wrong opinions in these last few posts.

unpopular opinion: (totally popular opinion)

pov: (something not pov)

etc are the dumbest fucking things on twitter/tiktok and they need to fucking stop. it’s like people don’t understand what words mean anymore.

I get where you coming from, nuts in brownies should be illegal

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General solo nut consumption power ranking IMO

Almonds > honey roasted peanuts >>> dry roast peanut > cashew >>>>>>>> walnut/pecan/etc

ETA the wasabi almonds pretty good too but almost seem more a chip than nut to me

Almonds are good, but not that good.

Honey roasted and dry roasted are about equal.

Cashews blow as a stand-alone.