The Hot Take Thread

Moved musical hot takes to it’s own thread.

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Pineapple and ham is an elite pizza topping.


What makes this a hot take is the fact that ham is not, in fact, a good pizza topping.

Pineapple and pepperoni? Ah, yes, now that is elite.


I was going to include bacon but was afraid that might be so hot that whatever server farm this place is hosted in might burn to the ground.

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Throw in some jalapenos too.

While you’re burning crappy ingredients not fit for human consumption, that’s not a bad addition.

The Gul Dukat Twitter account is dumb and tired.


Weve done pineapple feta which works. Sometimes with bacon over ham

criminal underreporting of hazelnuts as top tier, which consists of macadamia, hazelnut, and almond.

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best pizza is shrimp and bell pepper

Shrimp on pizza? Wtf? Sir, this is the hot take thread, not the haute take thread.


Ah man shrimps was an option at the pizza place when I was a little kid, haven’t had shrimp pizza since.

I feel like properly cooked shrimp on pizza actually could be pretty good but feel like would be pretty hard to time? Overcooked shrimp is woat

Holy fuck I need to order that now.

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That is a fucking nuclear hot take.

next time you get pineapple on pizza throw on some jalapenos. the sweetness/acidity of the pineapple with the mild spiciness of the jalapeno and the savoriness of the cheese goes really well together.

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Trump is going to be indicted.

This is the Hot Take thread, not the Absurd Fan Fiction thread.


Dilbert was never good.

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