The Non-political ANGER THREAD

It really is astounding the lengths that corporations will go to take advantage of consumers.

We signed up for Verizon about a year ago for wifi when we cut the chord, and part of the package was a teacher discount. One of the hoops you need to go through is signing up for a account, which life gets busy and I had put it off and forgotten about it, fine, that’s on me. So, two weeks ago, we went in and filled that out, and tried to access the teacher discount on Verizon’s site, only to have the hourglass on the site spin for 5-10 mins.

Finally, when I could access the discount page I was forced to add the Disney+ Bundle for $13.99 (which would negate my $15 per month discount), which I don’t need since I get the bundle 50% off via American Express Offers.

Here’s the kicker; it won’t even give me the option to checkout with the revised package. So, I call customer service, thinking it should be a quick fix to adjust my bill $15 per month. Oh, silly me, they don’t have access to a system any different than mine. So, while they are “waiting” this rep has the gall to try to upsell me to switch my cellphone and when I politely decline, two mins later into the “wait” she mentions a deal adding their cable TV package. I mean, are you kidding?

Long story short, she submitted a ticket, but I still am not seeing a discount. It’s almost like these companies make these discount offers and then make them impossible to actually access.

I’m trying to decide whether my next call is to XFinity to switch providers, or the Better Business Bureau to file a complaint.

Internet and cell companies really are the worst. They pretty much have you by the balls because it’s a giant pain in the ass to switch, and they all suck, so even if you did jump ship, you’d be getting screwed over there too.

Viva la capitalism!

FU city of Boston

We parked in a space with a meter and used the park mobile app.

Apparently after 6pm the spaces become permit parking only.

We got a $60 ticket.

Just zoomed in on street view. There is our meter and in front of our car is a sign that talks about permit 6pm-8am. I could try to argue that I though that meant only the spaces on the other side of the sign but my law degree spouse says no shot.

Guess I’m a country/suburban bumpkin. Never was aware that a metered space would turn into a permit space at night.

I don’t know if this is quite anger but I feel like this is the right thread.

Just received my yearly home insurance renewal bill and the dwelling coverage was, without any input from me, increased by 11% from last year. Is this some attempt to capture inflation of homebuilding costs and accurately represent, based on previous data, what it would cost to rebuild my home, or is this a way my insurance company tries to fuck me by adding on extra coverage I don’t need and then charging me for it?

(I have noticed that for car insurance, they kinda do the latter - every year they automatically increase the mileage they assume you’ll drive by like 10%, and thus charge more, unless I write my agent like “what the fuck this isn’t how many miles I drive in a year”)

Stop stealing my parking space :stabby:

sorry man, yeah it’s complicated. Was it a Sunday or Labor Day? Could contest it if so. Otherwise your spouse is correct. I’m in Seattle until Friday, otherwise I’d make it up to you for some local tour guide. LMK if you need any tips

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In my experience has felt like it probably a genuine effort to properly cover the residence. For me the big increases always lagged a little further behind the inflation increase of home value than I would have expected so I suspect they still quite a bit more conservative on valuing homes than Zillow/etc but don’t want 500k of coverage on a now 1.5 million dollar house or something

We are back in our enclave outside Philly, following the dictates of the chihuahua.

Damn I’m tired of $20 lunches in Boulder

We stopped at an I95 rest area in CT.

Saw the infamous $18 Big Mac meal. I assume it’s a high fee to be at the rest stop plus some greed.

omg when someone tries to correct my spelling of mackinac SILENCE PHILISTINE

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My wife insists on a hard C sound at the end. Just to annoy me.

someone saying “mack uh nack” wouldn’t bother me at all FWIW

I could google this of course, but for fun, would you care to inform this philistine what a “mackinac” is, and how to pronounce it?

it’s a placename up in michigan. It’s pronounced “mack uh naw” and some people will spell it (and honestly I think there are some places officially named) “mackinaw” and honestly if you choose to spell it that way I really don’t have a problem with that just don’t tell me I’m wrong when I’m 100% correct

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Iirc there’s a town called Mackinaw and an island called Mackinac and they are pronounced the same. I’m an honorary Michigander by marriage, I think I’ve even been to Mackinac, and I still can’t remember which is which. :harold:

There was a Seinfeld where Kramer was raving about the “Mackinaw peaches”.

Heh I went there this summer and didn’t even realize how bizarre that is. So you go to Mackinaw City, to get a ferry to Mackinac Island. Mackinaw city is where you cross over to the Upper Peninsula.

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Ok this app is really annoying if you want to use it like Instagram:

  • not totally related but even after turning on notifications for every jbouie post, I get no notifications on the TikTok Android app. It has permissions to send notifications, it just…doesn’t (it did send me an email notification today though, lol)
  • it’s really hard and annoying to just see new stuff your follows posted. My home screen is random shit they think I want to watch (I don’t), even when I go to my “following” tab the first thing they showed me was a jbouie post from August and not the two things he’s posted today, I have to go to his account page to see them in chronological order.

This app suuuuuuucks

sitting in the hospital with my dad, he’s getting a pacemaker put in today, we got here at 9:45, it’s currently 1:30 and nothing has happened yet, we’re in the basement so there’s no cell signal, the wifi here drops you every 10 minutes and you have to re-push the ACCEPT AND CONTINUE button in the captive portal so if I put my phone down I won’t get any text messages.

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Before Mom passed, she got in a holding pattern for her stent procedure as someone else coded (we were never officially told that but we have eyes). 2-3 hours she sat outside of the procedure room with us not with her.

Small town.

apparently you can buy used pacemakers on ebay if you want to save a few bucks