The Non-political ANGER THREAD

This is what happens when you’ve been losing money on every transaction and suddenly the order from above is ‘we gotta start making money’ but you can’t so you opt for ‘what if we just started stealing from our customers?’

I’m surprised their customer service pushed back but I’m not surprised they stole (and this was stealing).

It’s definitely time to stop using Doordash and Ubereats. They barely made sense when the corporations were losing money to keep the costs down. I’m sorry my time is worth a lot but I don’t have so little of it that I can justify spending 25 post tax dollars to save 15 minutes of my time. Not to have to deal with customer service afterward anyway.

Almost certainly just incompetence

Walking the dog out on the trail today, three guys on ebikes came up behind me

guy in the lead didn’t have a bell on his bike, he FUCKING HONKED, like he pushed a button and his bike has a little speaker that played an 8-bit nintendo wav file of a horn beeping, what the fuck, go fuck yourself you fucking zoomer dipshit

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obviously this is objectively 100x better than the fuckers who don’t give you any notice at all and just silently buzz by you but still it ground my gears

Are e-bikes even allowed on the trail? If not, I believe you’re legally allowed to shove a stick in their spokes.

Would it be better or worse if they each just yelled “ON YOUR RIGHT!!”?

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I’m pretty sure they’re allowed on the part I was on at the time, it’s a paved section that connects to the primitive parts and regular bikes (and horses) are definitely allowed on the primative parts, I’ve never noticed any signage regarding ebikes.

this is 100x better than a fucking fake horn (personally I prefer ON YOUR RIGHT to bells). In general the (non-e) bikers on the trails are pretty considerate, whereas when I’m in town on like the greenline or whatever it’s all oblivious shitheads who think the entire path is for bikes and pedestrians should walk in the mud

Doordash update: I had no issues with phone support and they refunded me the errant charges (technically with an extra few $ because the subscription would only entitle me to like a 70% reduction in the service fee but they gave me the whole thing back). So options here are either…

  • there was some bug in the system that caused issues with my subscription when I was using online service last night, that stopped happening by the time I called today, or
  • their online chat-based support is utter dogshit

:person_shrugging: could be either one! Wouldn’t surprise me if, along the lines of what BS was saying, having shitty unhelpful chat support is part of their business model at this point.

Yeah the third option is denying most people in the chat, but fixing it for the ones who call. A lot of people will give up and not call. This is your second option, but it’s shitty intentionally and systematically.

This has become a prominent business model for American corporations, whether it’s a health insurance company denying claims they know they should pay or a corporate landlord keeping all security deposits. If we had a functioning legislative system, we would be fixing stuff like this - obviously in our dysfunctional system we have a slew of five alarm fires before we could even consider something like this.

I’d propose mandatory minimum jail terms for any executive who knows of these practices happening and doesn’t stop them, massive fines for the corporation, and a huge whistleblower cash bonus coming from those fines. Maybe (65-age) * salary, with a $1M minimum.

Beyond being bad for consumers, it’s a dog shit business practice and an example of late stage capitalism operating in a way that is detrimental to our long-term economy in the interest of short-term corporate gains. This type of bullshit is sucking money out of the economy and into the pockets of poorly run companies AND wasting time for consumers - time which could otherwise be spent being productive or consuming elsewhere.

Maybe they swinging back and forth about how strictly/permissibly they handle stuff. At least twice I’ve gotten >50% of the total order credit for me saying a dollar can of soda got left out to the chat bot

At least the DoorDash chat didn’t tell you to kill your dog

The third time I called Factor to change an order they weren’t even able to change the order, it was too late, but then they cancelled my account afterwards. I was surprised but I was getting done with them, the selection wasn’t good for me and it was getting challenging finding 6 meals a week to order from them.

When I was a cyclist I preferred just passing people on trails instead of giving the a chance to twitch in front of me when someone yells at them from behind.

my cousins decided to start a 30-person group chat while I’m on a conference call and even though my phone is in DND mode I still get the fucking text notification sound in my airpods for every fucking message

You should be able to individually mute threads. At least I can in Apple messages. I’d expect WhatsApp is similar.

oh yeah that’s not the problem, the problem is that group chats should START by default being muted after the first notification or somehow be throttled to no more than 1 beep every five minutes or something

hmm well broke my several year streak of not shouting the F word multiple times at a stranger today. I’ll give you a hint.

Somebody let a dog grab your cat? Looks pissed

Beautiful cat!

Off leash dog rushed us, cat tore free from harness, ran home across the street. :+1::+1::+1:

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That’s pretty impressive that the cat was able to get out of that quickly.

Houdini cat.

Having a great long weekend trip. Spending last night in Groton CT.

MFing hotel has MFing DirectTV with us in a pissing contest with MFing Disney.

What do I want to watch?

Baseball on ESPN
Tennis on the deuce.

Damn “not available” screens.

Streaming radio call of baseball. iPad has Tiafoe match.