The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I slip through the cracks just fine


buying a car right now SUCKS

8 year old accord with 150k miles? $15k FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFF

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Pity you’re nowhere near me I have a 2014 Altima with 150k miles on it I could part with for waaaaaaaaay less than 15k lol.

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lol this made me wonder what cheap new cars cost right now, here’s the cheapest car at a local Toyota dealer




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also FUCK YOU CAR DEALERS it is 2023 as in two zero two three why are all the pictures they post shitty low-rez thumbnails

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Never been a better time to have access to employer pricing on cars

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It’s absurd car dealers even exist. I can’t buy a car from Chevrolet because I need a car dealer to protect me from the manufacturer? Lolololol rent seeking is our whole stupid economy

But who’s going to pay the bribes to the local politicians? Won’t you think about the future corporate-owned politicians of the world??? They have families to feed, too!

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Go here:

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I would have never found that on my own, thanks.

Its like 90% the reason I haven’t been posting here.

Other 80% is that I kinda totally forgot it existed.


pepperidge farm remembers


grats. told you the market’s still hot! seemed pretty quick.

1 week since first contact lol yeah.


Real talk though every successful job I’ve had thus far has had interviews like this. You can tell if someone’s full of shit by just talking with them. I really think programming tests are a poor gauge of a good hire, especially when they’re live.

Same here, my best jobs have always been “Tell us about you, and ask us whatever you want about the company.” Come in with great questions prepped (easy to do. 95% of people don’t know how to ask questions of future employers) and you’re golden. My two worst jobs have had interviews centered around questions and tests specifically about accounting skills.

I’ve got a Master’s degree, I know accounting. You don’t have to test me on the difference between credits and debits. Maybe find out if Ill be a good fit for your company and not some monkey who is going to be able to fill in the same 10 excel forms everyone else with a modicum of accounting experience can.


If you’re looking for a late-model used car, I recommend checking out used rentals. I recently made a purchase through hertz and the whole process was very reasonable (compared to alternatives). It’s a 2021 so it looks new, feels new, smells new, it’s just got 50k miles on it.

All put on by Jack wad business travelers (like me) that love Jack rabbit starting in rental cars. Sorry.

You guys are making me jealous of people who don’t have to hire salespeople lol. If I was hiring experienced freight brokers exclusively interviewing would be super effective in figuring out if they were full of shit or not. Just talk shop for half an hour and if they don’t say anything hilariously obviously not real they’re real.

on trash pickup day it’s a VIRTUAL CERTAINTY that if you don’t get your can back off the curb immediately after they empty it, some dipshit walking his dog will leave a poop bag in it. This makes people LOSE THEIR MINDS but I don’t really care since it’s way better than them not picking the poop up.

But today I noticed some absolute shithead put a poop bag IN MY RECYCLE BIN, what the absolute fuck you goddamn potato head, the GARBAGE can was literally RIGHT NEXT TO IT.