The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Any time some dipshit refers to the Attorney General as “General Sessions,” “General Barr,” &c (I don’t think this started recently, and I’m pretty sure noone has ever called Garland “General Garland” but I’ll leave that to the psychiatrists).

Also when Attorney General is abbreviated AG, the plural is “AGs”.

Two person household and so far in 2023 we’ve combined for two ER trips, one surgery, and three car breakdowns. We have high deductible insurance so that’s all out of pocket. And our car mileages coming into the year were like 60K and 90K so it wasn’t like we were driving cars with 100K+ miles on them. But tough shit, dig into the wallet and pay.

Today we broke down in the middle of the goddamn Las Vegas Strip in 110 degree heat. Thank the good Lord we were able to limp the car off the strip and get into air conditioning where we will now wait FOUR FUCKING HOURS for a fucking tow truck, fuck you AAA.

And when I called the dealership I have to take it to, it was all digital AI interaction, with no information about a loaner. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” “Speak to a representative.” “Thank you, goodbye. (click)” FUCK YOU AI FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!!!

And yeah, I lost a 70/30 and an 80/20 to bust out before all of this so really great goddamn day.


every run bad ends eventually and every day is a new opportunity

Man every once in awhile I think about if I miss playing professionally….

And I really don’t. I miss pwning people though

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Same. I miss the freedom and lifestyle so much, but dont miss the run bad days.

I don’t miss it at all. Ever.


Days? That’s cute. (Been in a downswing for over nine months now.)

yea I probably played the most poker of my entire life last year and it’s just miserable. a big chunk of that is how irritating the game of hold’em is - if mixed games or stud was more popular, I’d probably enjoy it more. there’s way larger edges there in my opinion. dont even talk to me about omaha. idiotic game

I’ve only played live a few times since the onset of COVID, and probably only a handful of times the prior year. I had periods in the more distant past where I really enjoyed live poker and would routinely drive 70 minutes each way to an underground room. However, as I get older, I have less and less tolerance for putting up with racists, assholes, anger bears, etc.

I feel like life is too short to subject myself to these irritants when playing a game for money I don’t even need.


Haven’t played a hand of poker for money in 12 years and 3 months.

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You’re welcome!

Basically same.

I’m sort of casually interviewing, not in a huge hurry but putting out feelers. The job I’m looking for is pretty specific and I’m looking in a pretty small market niche so there aren’t tons of openings, which is fine, I’m not in a huge hurry.

Anyway, an agency headhunter contacted me with an opening that’s basically the same thing I’m doing now (i.e. not what I’m looking for), and he didn’t think they could meet my number, but we went ahead and set up a call.

First call was with the hiring manager, it was only about 30 minutes and I didn’t get to ask many questions. That’s fine, I’ll get them in next time.

Second call was a technical presentation with the hiring manager and a would-be peer. Pretty much knocked this out of the park, but again ran up against time and didn’t get to ask many questions.

The in-house recruiter called me a few days later to set up a call with the CRO. I mention to her that I found it a little odd to have the technical exercise this early in the process, and noted that I still haven’t had anyone try to sell me on the company/position yet and that I still have a lot of questions I haven’t been able to ask.

CRO call happens Tuesday, he’s about five minutes late (it’s only booked for 30 minutes again), he’s outside walking around in NYC because “there’s no free conference rooms,” his signal is shit and his audio keeps dropping, we have basically no rapport at all, he has basically no personality and I can tell this is a dud call for sure and I am already typing up my “thanks but no thanks” email to the recruiter (which I didn’t send). We barely get any sort of conversation in at all, once again I don’t really get to ask questions. At the end he gets in an elevator and drops off the zoom before we formally say good bye.

Anyway, they finally sent me a “we have decided to move forward with other candidates” email today.

Honestly I can’t be mad, I had no interest in the job and I was just interviewing for the practice, and I should be happy that morons are so eager to tell candidates what working for them will be like, but it’s always annoying to think these guys are going to be out there disrespecting candidates who actually do want the job.


Finally: a happy ending! (I hope) The doctor who ordered the test called the lab company to be like “hey this was only supposed to be like a hundred bucks, what are you people doing” and then let me know she fixed it, so I called their billing department today and they’re like “yep, looks like $99”.

Hopefully this is the end and I’m not still getting bills for this in like six months because of this disorganized clownshow.

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Car needs $7,500 in repairs and it’s only worth $10,500. Just shoot me in the fucking head, god damn it. What a fucking year.


Pretty sure these assholes are lying to me.

“people love their private insurance”

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Yep. Looks like it’s going to be $220, and I’m going to have another mechanic give it a once over.

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The whole job hunt game is infuriating. Like very single element of it. lol recruiters, lol HR, lol interviews, all of it. Networking sucks but it’s so valuable when you need a job because every other avenue just plain sucks.


Yeah this. Honestly I would be hesitant to take a job without a referral, there are just too many shitty companies and the chances of getting a good one when going in blind are too low.

On the hiring side, it’s also difficult to make an offer to someone without any referral since interviewing is such a crapshoot. Making a bad hire is such a disastrous outcome that almost all hiring managers will go with safe hires that are 90% likely to be a B player rather than roll the dice on someone who might be an all star but also could be a dud.