The Non-political ANGER THREAD

throw them away it’s not too late


+1 to throw those out.

Good luck Grue. Dad quit at 50 and made it to 92.

Are you implying the wife busted you on the ring camera?

Did they taste good? I don’t remember how long it took, but the last time I bought cigarettes they tasted like shit, really easy to toss the rest of the pack.

you cant even buy menthols in CA. thanks biden.

Non political anger:

altars of lillith


Probably meant this for @grue.

I wouldn’t know. Never smoked anything in my life.

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Marlboro menthols though.

Yea I’ve gone through a lot of phases. Smoked since I was very young into my mid 20’s, then multiple quitting attempts often for multiple years at a time and several relapses, then a year of vapes which shredded my lungs, now my lungs are in such poor state that I have chronic bronchitis and asthma and need to carry an inhaler with me - so I cant even be tempted anymore.

But I remember when I was yoyoing quitting - if I bought a pack when I was drinking or something, it was game over for me unless I threw it away next day

Also this is mostly a joke but I think drinkers tend to live longer than smokers. horrible drug

My experience it is not uncommon for insurance companies to prorate refunds when you cancel. It may be legally required, but I am not sure.

Even with AI as it currently stands, my experience is better than with humans a lot of the time. At least half. It’s just faster and more efficient. But when it’s worse, it’s waaaaaaaaaaaay worse.

It’s all fine and good until it “learns” that it’s “better” than humanity and that the “lessers” actually harm the greater good and therefore it’s ok to enslave or eliminate them.

You know, like Religion.

When did we just agree to let finance bros call money “capital.”

It’s not fucking capital. A capital is a city or a larger letter. It’s money.

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Update: we’re un-resolved again!

I got a bill for this today through my insurance. Reminder that the bill the lab company mailed me a month ago was for $650, with a $300 “early payment” discount.

They billed my insurance:

  • nine thousand dollars
  • minus a “discount” of eight thousand dollars
  • for a total of $980 that I owe them
  • of which my insurance is paying $0 (and I have a $1,500 deductible)

This is wild lol


I seem to remember with one the prenatal testings we did the lab gave us some upfront offer where they were like either pay us 200 bucks and leave insurance out of it completely or deal with the consequences when your insurer fucks you

We paid the ransom up front

it’s bad enough when people ask me if they can schedule me for a meeting without looking at my calendar first, what’s REALLY infuriating is when someone asks if I can do a one-hour 7:30 AM meeting when it is 100% obvious that they HAVE looked at my calendar and know goddamn well I already have a meeting scheduled at 8:00

Just go to his meeting and say you have a hard stop at 8:00 and will have to jump to another call.

So I’m trying to get my daughter in preschool/daycare. Mostly to give my wife a bit more freedom and opportunity for adult interaction, but also because my Covid baby hasn’t gotten a lot of outside social time.

This shit is absurd though. It’s a ten page packet of questions, my favorite is “What can you contribute to our school community?” Like the tuition isn’t enough

If I were exclusively income motivated I would start a day care. It’s fucking absurd. They charge a mortgage payment and pay their people nothing.

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And then refuse to let the kid come if they have sniffles that they caught from their underpaid employees