The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Which three?

For me itā€™s Amica, NJM, and State Farm. The first two basically by reputation, the last one because my family was always with State Farm and had good experience when theyā€™ve made claims

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They (state farm) just denied my hail damage roof claim =/ @DUCY

Did you know it was legit damaged by hail at the time happened or a (potentially) sketchy roofer discover the damage?

The cliff notes is hail storm came through, immediately tons of roofer guys out ringing doorbells, talked to one that did a friendā€™s house, guy says "oh yeah thereā€™s damage, insurance will pay for it for sure :+1: ", adjustor comes out, looks around, ā€œnopeā€.

So one of my issue areas that I covered in the district office was Insurance.

Let me tell you, this is the coming collapse that no one is talking about. Itā€™s not just Florida and California. The thing is, itā€™s a cascading effect. If insurance companies canā€™t charge enough to remain solvent, there will soon be no insurance. I know we hate corporations, but let me tell you this is NOT A GOOD THING.

We are speeding toward an uninsurable future and at least in the US, it will have civilization-harming levels of impact, especially when combined with/exacerbated by the effects of climate change. And itā€™s a political football no one wants to touch because being known as the politician/party that raised your insurance rates is a death sentence.

Honestly my experience with State Farm is my dad was friends with the local agent and had all of his policies there for decades so of course they pay out without much question when he has a pipe burst or hits a deer because heā€™s lifetime profitable for them. The other two companies I know by reputation. I just moved to NJM because State Farm rates were going up too much, but I think theyā€™re only in New Jersey and a handful of surrounding states

insurance companies are mostly predatory anyway

I didnā€™t have enough damage either, some dents in the skylight window frames but that was about it

Apparently while we were fucking with this I said something like ā€œfucking Chinese communist party trying to tap my phoneā€ and now my sonā€™s roommate thinks Iā€™m Qanon-pilled

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get bill from doctor
go to pay it
have to complete captcha, are you fucking kidding me, WHY
submit form
have to do captcha again
FUCK YOU I am firing this doctor, I am not shitting you


any doctor online bill payment system that makes it impossible to see your balance before accepting a payment should absolutely be illegal

Did front end filtering of input data go out of style or something? It seems like accepting a US phone number should be a solved fucking problem by now?

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And fuck the developers who turned off pasting passwords into test sites and then have un-typable passwords on test accountsā€¦

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Welcome, Huckleberry!


Thatā€™s Sir Anustart to you.


just to add to my complaints about the fucking nonsensical healthcare system in the US

doctors office canā€™t email me any information because HIPAA, but they can email me ā€œyou have a message in the SECURE MESSAGE PORTAL, please click HERE and then input code ABCDEFG to get your messageā€

if email is too insecure to send the actual message, how is it secure enough to send all of the information you need to access the actual message??? Ah the attackers will be dissuaded by that one extra click!

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My portal has a separate username/password that would not ever be emailed to me.

I think there is a non-zero chance you have found a HIPAA violation if it is as you say. Not motivated to look up the details to check. I vaguely remember something about whistleblowers getting paid for reporting HIPAA violations. Not sure if that applies here, but if it does, then it seems like a potentially good way to channel your anger.

Donā€™t you have to log into your health provider site before you provide the code to get to the message?

yes apparently they left that out of the email

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