The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I’m also interested in this in the specific case where the “guest” isn’t paying anything.

Now, don’t get me wrong, you’re firmly in the right and in the NTA camp, but I gotta know what kinds of birds these are and where the fuck they are coming from. Like, if I’m a nurse out of work in the greater San Diego area, my side hustle is fucking Lyft, not birds.

The guy’s gotta go unless his rent is keeping you from foreclosure, but it hardly sounds like that’s the case. I gotta know more about how this bird situation happened and is being perpetuated, though.

He bought a breeding pair of these:

which are apparently rare and not many people sell them. He has some kind of deal with an exotic bird shop in Riverside to sell them the offspring once they are grown. So basically he made his money back that he used to buy the pair, and now it’s profit (minus the care and upkeep).

I’ll admit, it’s not a gig I would ever have considered existing and sounds vaguely shady, but who knows.

We live out in the country, and we have a separate room attached to the house that we had been just using for storage, now it’s the bird room. He also has several other types of birds, including some robins and some canaries. He even asked us if we could get some chickens but my husband and I were both hard No on that. The guy loves birds, I dunno.

He can’t do Lyft…he has a DUI :confused:


That said, these don’t even seem to be especially exotic or colorful birds! People want to own these? Like, I could see being excited to see them on your feeder cam or whatever, but owning them? No one “owns” a a bird, imo. Although maybe you’ve figured out why the caged bird sings?

I was Googling to see if what he’s doing is legal, and I’m not clear on that, but apparently pine siskins can carry salmonella and pass it through bird feeders, so you may want to tell him to stop bringing them in the kitchen.

This just keeps getting weirder, and there’s a writer’s strike. I sense a Netflix reality show.

apparently this is a big deal. There are bird shows and people go and trade these types of song birds (along with more exotic birds, of course) and it’s a whole thing.

I don’t get it, either.

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In california it is 7 consecutive nights or 14 days in a 6 month period. I’d guess people would think it’s a lot more than that. So, it helps to have something written or previously stated as to what the terms of their stay is and how long they can stay, which makes eviction much easier later if necessary.

I had to deal with something similar earlier this year.

As stated in my above post, people get tenant rights in some places fairly easily regardless of whether there is anything written, in which case I have a hard time imagining a scenario where it’d be better not to have something written.

I’ve made every roommate and long term house guest sign an agreement. In only one case someone got offended, and probably not so ironically, that person was also the biggest pain in the ass.

Is this true even in the case where they pay nothing?

I forget specific details but I once talked with someone who was in the hospital for weeks-month+ and then ended up having to evict a homeless “friend” who moved into his place without permission while was gone and used it as a mailing address or something. Sounded like it was easier just to evict the person than to go through the legal rodeo of proving they weren’t invited and pressing some sort of charges or whatever

it’s 2023 and there are still people who are below the age of 60 who don’t understand that software has bugs, when they run into a software problem on a website they assume that some engineer designed it to function like that on purpose, usually as part of some sort of conspiracy to target that one particular use because of … reasons.

I guess the general case is that people are too dumb to understand hanlon’s razor, which is itself sort of an example of hanlon’s razor.

Holy shit I’m about to pop a blood vessel I am so irritated.

I have Liberty Mutual insurance for my auto policy. Switched to them in May and set my account up for autopay every 6 months. Agreed to use their RightTrack driver monitoring program for 3 months, after which my final policy price would be determined and I’d pay the full years payments in November. So first payment auto deducted in Nov for the full year, then every 6 months after that. I completed the 3 month monitoring and got a perfect score (side note anger this whole thing is a scam) which reduced my annual payment by like $21 or something. Woohoo I guess.

Got a notice last Friday that my account was more than two months overdue, that I owed $789 due June 18th, and that my coverage would be cancelled on September 19th if I didnt pay it.

No big deal, I’ll log in to my account and pay what I owe, then make sure it is set to auto pay going forward. But wait…whats that? I can’t log into the website? Every time I try it just loads briefly then changes to “you have successfully logged out”. Different browsers, incognito mode, cookies enabled, nothing worked. Ok I’ll try the app. Wait what that won’t let me log in either. Odd, must be technical issues, right? Guess I have to call them.

I call and wait on hold for over 30 minutes. Finally get a representative and to her credit she was very kind and helpful. She finds that my account was taken off of autopay on August 13th, right after the 3 month monitoring program ended, and the oayment schedule reverted to owing the first 6 months in June. Whatever I’m sure it was an error of some sort. So I pay what was owed in June and reset the account for autopay.

Then I ask about the website login issue and hoo boy I almost lost my mind on this super nice and helpful person.

She explained that my E-service privileges were revoked when the account became overdue and would not be restored until my policy is up for renewal next May. There is no escalation possible, no review system, no exceptions. So I got a notice to pay them, but literally couldn’t do it in any of the convenient ways and had to call and waste 45 minutes of my day. And now I can’t use the app to access my insurance documents, file any claims, make any changes or payments, etc. Totally locked out of the online portals for an entire fucking year. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK KIND OF POLICY IS THIS JESUS FUCKING FUCK IT INFURIATES ME!!!

Does that make literally any sense at all. Any business sense? Any customer service sense? Anything at all. I’m fucking stupified that this could actually be their company policy.

ETA: ahahahahaha and I just got an email to “review your payment details” for the payment I just made. How do they wish for me to review the payment details you ask? By logging in to their stupid fucking website that I am barred from using thanks to their fuck up.


Time to find a better insurance company.

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Your story is so preposterous I would be highly skeptical if it was just some random person on the internet. Like you must have misunderstood something because that’s just not plausible.

But of course I believe you and I agree I would cancel immediately just on principle and I’d be happy to explain why I was canceling to anybody who would listen.


Yea I wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t me dealing with it. I called the agent that sold me the policy directly to get his take on it. He saw the account noted as “E-service disabled, eligible for review upon policy renewal” and agreed that it makes zero sense. So he is going to talk to somebody else and try to resolve it.

Not too unbelievable, I recently went to a web page to try and update my mailing address but couldn’t. I couldn’t update my login credentials without a valid mail address on file so I couldn’t update my mailing address. Had to call in and listen to 10 minutes of voice prompts to figure out where to go only to then find out they were closed in the weekends…

That website: Accenture Alumni Services

Google domains charged me a significant sum per month AFTER i was completely locked out of the account and told to contact customer service. So, since I was locked out of the account, I couldn’t cancel. To reinstate the account they (read: a bot) told me I’d have to submit id verification (which can take months but i refused to do that anyway).

Didnt get anywhere with anyone, but eventually I just found it easier to cancel the credit card. Now I get a bunch of obnoxious threatening sounding emails from google domains but whatever.

Not sure if it’s a life leak but I basically only shop from 3 insurance companies which I know offer great customer service, because I don’t want to deal with shit like this or overly hostile behavior if I do have to file a claim.