The Non-political ANGER THREAD

My thing is, why would the doctor even ask? Most of us just fill that stuff out mindlessly, so I assume like 95% of people just fill it all in without much thought.

My guess is they ask because it helps when they have to sell medical debt to collections agencies?

this was my assumption

I see this one on intake forms also in the insurance section. But it’s kind of redundant because if they take a copy of my insurance card, name of employer is there too (not sure if that’s always the case for everyone, but I did check mine after your post). Of course, everything in that section is redundant if they have your insurance card.

New rant!

(Ainsley is doing great, they’re taking her off the CPAP a few hours each day, eyes are open, and she’s suckling on the pacifier)

Today I had my surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, and do a full hysterectomy.

Except…not. As it turns out I have undiagnosed endometriosis that fused my uterus to my bowel so here I am back home with one drained cyst, cuts and sutures, an 4-6 wk recovery time…and I still have a fucking uterus.

God dammit I just wanted it gone. Gonna have to decide if I want to go through with the open abdominal surgery required to remove it or just say fuck it.

I am so pissed.

At least it was only a $40 copay


liked for the kid doing well not the other stuff


people just don’t seem to understand that using group DMs causes my phone to DING every time they hit enter and that most of this shit could go into an existing channel, I literally am going to kill this motherfucker

also he refuses to add his notes to salesforce like everyone else does and he puts them in “that google doc. did you see it?”

oh yeah “that” google doc

literal slack conversation I just had (in a group DM)

thanks guys I put some notes into that google doc
pvn did you see it

me: what google doc

“shared last night
see it?
will resend shortly”

my wife texts

different parts of a single message

over multiple texts

so my Apple Watch buzzes

multiple times every time she texts me


Id bet it’s in the cadence she speaks with pauses where the line breaks. I do the same thing, it’s an artifact of using instant messages to communicate in formative years IMO.

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I have a couple of those that I silence notifications. Rarely if ever do they have something that needs immediate attention. Makes them much more bearable.

this guy just creates new group DMs at an astonishing rate, it’s whackamole trying to silence all of them

Add 50 fucking tests to my plan an hour before a 3 day weekend… FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

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Omg we have the same wife

ITT we discover shift+enter key

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I do this.

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All the time.


My nurses do it to me on shift also and it drives me nuts

Delta CEO says there are going to roll back some of the draconian sky miles changes.

No details.


Finally got a call back from the agent who was going to fix this. Said it was fixed, sent me an email to have me reset my password. Big shock I’m still locked out.

And then today I got a letter in the mail that my rate will be increasing by 24% next year. Lololol get fucked I’ll happily take my business elsewhere.
