The Non-political ANGER THREAD

When I got married the minister had us sign all the legal documents the day before at the rehearsal. He claimed was because sometimes people get caught up in the day and forget to get legally married, I suspect he does it to avoid any day of wedding drama

When I got married, the priest filled out the marriage certificate incorrectly the day of, and it got rejected by the county records office. Best man and maid of honor who traditionally sign the marriage certificate both lived out of town, so had to just bring two friends who were there back to fill out a new marriage certificate to officially have on file.

Why are TV streaming apps so bad?

In particular, I want to call out “autoplay.”

No, Netflix, just because I clicked on the show/movie, that doesn’t mean I want to watch it now. (I just wanted to look at the metadata and/or put it on my list, which I have to do in two seconds or it starts to play.)

No, Amazon, I don’t want to immediately watch the next episode. “Coming in 3… 2… 1” [ mad scramble for remote, too late ] FUCK YOU!


Hulu is one of the worst offenders. Oh, you’re done watching this episode of a show and it’s the last we have to stream? Here, let’s start autoplaying some show you’ve never shown an interest in!

For my wife and I it was always the first episode of American Housewife.

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OMG YES. I’m a compulsive credits-watcher so even if I am watching the next episode, I don’t want it to jump straight into it after 3 seconds.

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it’s OPEN ENROLLMENT time which means I have to look at 75 slightly-different healthcare plans and figure out what each one is going to fuck me on, it’s great when they have a nice PDF for each plan and you go to the link for the list of network providers and it doesn’t fucking work! and then you try to find the plan on aetna’s website and they have literally 4000 different plans, and you filter by name and put in the exact name of the plan on that PDF an of course it tells you “No results were found matching your search.”

blue california is only slightly better and they’re currently in a dispute with the hospital my wife prefers so I’m probably going to switch, this shit is just fucking infuriating


spoiler: they all probably suck lol


Having to get insurance off the market sucks. I basically have a plan that doesn’t cover anything until I hit high deductables.

I do get the negotiated rates. And it’s 100% after that.

$1100 a month. $550 more to get coverage that starts now which is getting close to the deductible. So far have not hit the full deductible over 6 years. And I got to write a bitchin spreadsheet.

I think the shark move is HDHP + HSA. That should narrow down the search a bit.

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I only have three choices and feel the same way. But then there is a choice for Hospital Insurance? Wut? I already selected the Medical plan. It’s only $17 per paycheck so $440ish per year. Do I want that? I don’t know? Accidental Death or Dismemberment? I don’t know? Accident? Which apparently is different than Accidental Death which is different than Life. How many multiples of your annual salary do you want for Life Insurance payout? I don’t know. Long term disability? I don’t know. Critical Illness? FU BERNIE! Hurry the fuck up with Single Payer! Dental? Yes! Vision? No—I go to Costco now…

What’s the best HSA custodian these days? I have optum now and I’m looking to move. They shifted 90% of my money from my active account into an account I had closed years ago and it was a nightmare to sort out. And I just noticed they’ve done it again. I don’t have a HDHP anymore and my healthcare costs are effectively always zero with my new health plan so I’m just looking for a place to park and grow the account.

I don’t have it, but in your shoes I’d go with Fidelity. I’ve always had a positive customer experience with Fidelity for everything else. Assume they are just as solid for this. Doubt that they would fuck this one thing up.

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Thanks, that looks like a good option. I didn’t realize they did HSA’s.

These things are a pain to figure out, but in general you are ahead with HD-HSA if you are either a low or a high user (in cases where the co-insurance is low vs the other plan).

Low spend year we’d be ahead by the HSA tax savings plus get bank unused HSA.

High spend year , the lower your co-insurance after deductible could give a big advantage.

Fairly small window of spend where the higher premium of low deductible balances out the loss of HSA. Especially if HD pays better after the deductible.

I’ve chosen HDHP’s the past 10 years for that reason. New employer simplified my choices significantly by only offering one plan though. I’m going to miss packing money into an HSA but I can’t really complain. My employer pays all premiums and funds an HRA that covers oop costs.

I’ve had HD plans with HSA in the past and the theory behind them makes a lot of sense and honestly I will consider going back to one in the future once my kids are off my plan. With kids, they can be annoying as hell, I ended up spending WAY more time talking to billing offices at various doctors offices, etc. Also when I first used one, my company was really encouraging people to try them out by kicking in a ton of money into the HSA if you’d make the switch, and I don’t have those sorts of incentives now.

It can’t be what I think it is, but some gen xer wearing a “legacy Vietnam vet” tshirt put me on tilt instantly.




Small business owners are absolute fucking tyrants. I had fringe involvement with PPP loans and these people are some of the dumbest most entitled shitbags on planet earth. Boebert is like the median.

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