The Non-political ANGER THREAD

It’s one of the ways The Hartford is using artificial intelligence. The company layers artificial intelligence on top of aerial photos, which can identify the condition of a roof. The insurer uses this technology for new customers and existing policyholders during renewals.

Translation: Insurers are using this to strategically cancel homeowners policies to boost profits. There are news reports on it happening this year in California and Florida (the two worst states currently facing a homeowners insurance crisis). It’s coming soon to a theater near you in Peoria guaranteed.

They’re literally flying drones right over people’s properties or paying these AI scam companies to “analyze” aerial photography. Saw one on a forum where they actually sent the guy the photo and it was obviously from public satellite database or whatever with a 240p resolution. His roof was fine and it was just image artifacts and shadows. We nEeD CaPiTaLiSm bEcAuSe iT wOrKs.

Do they need a reason to not renew someone policy? Can’t they just do that for whatever reason anyways

Anyone wearing a white collar and holding a billion dollars can do whatever the fuck they want.

Insurance law is complicated and varies by state but nobody is gonna do anything is the point. They’re paid not to. If we’re gonna let a Version 1.0 racist AI bot cancel insurance on people’s largest asset full steam ahead in 2023, then they’re coming for your job much sooner than you originally thought.

just yet another example where techno-optimists continue to baffle me, and not in the normal way I typically say that, I mean in the way when you ever hear a preacher talk and wonder to yourself if he actually believes what he’s saying because it’s so patently absurd.

of course the moment “AI” came on to the scene we were going to find the absolute worst uses for it. I’m pretty sure without any shred of evidence whatsoever that the first humans to master fire probably used it to launch a genocide or something.

I can’t think of a single god damn thing where tech actually makes our lives better. it’s just stupid shit that’s barely, barely tolerable and also destroying the planet at best.

classic example. I saw a fridge that had to have cost north of $5k that had a screen on the front, because of course you need a screen on your fridge. but no, this had a feature where you could see what’s inside via the screen! wow!


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Has a single tech bro innovation made the world better? We were promised unicorns and got Donald Trump as president. And these fucking assholes have all the money now.


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Jimbo is the opposite of a tech bro tho (I know this is a bit of “no true tech broing” but still)

Like, self-driving cars have the potential to save thousands of lives but just the idea of them is actually making things worse by killing interest in eg making public transit better

Not sure who is really to thank for it but having cellphone service and ability to get driving directions to anywhere at anytime seems pretty awesome. I’m sure my wife and I would have killed each other by now if navigating required pulling out a huge ass map and looking at signs.

Mfw I ask my kids what they want for Christmas and my 17-year-old sends me a link to a $700 lego set




And you’d think it would be a cheaper product without a human driver who needs to get paid, but no, they just want to put tons of people out of work to keep the extra $$ themselves

The best piece of evidence that I am a moron (among many) is that sometimes I think “maybe the Walgreens drive through won’t be a nightmare this time”.

the other day i got irritated that the gas pumps didn’t have braille on them, and then thought about it for 3 seconds


zoom → awful
teams → somehow even worse
webex → omg kill me now

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I was at a 100% google chat company once. even the video meetings. surprisingly painless but i think google scrapped it by now, lol.

Google meet is about the same as teams.

Having multiple clients. I get to use them all.

I can’t remember if it’s teams or meet, but there does not seem to be a text chat function. You can “raise” your hand

teams has both

Then it’s meet.

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