The Non-political ANGER THREAD

I have a pretty positive overall feeling about Zoom, it’s intuitive enough that absolute morons / luddites were able to start using it immediately when the pandemic hit.

hmm zoom > slack > google meet (yes, google business suite is still a thing) >>>> teams. Teams crashed my macbook during an interview once yeahhhh.

My new place uses “Azure DevOps”, which I wasn’t aware was a thing. Its a JIRA ripoff… with… full featured source control management… i.e. github enterprise. Which Microsoft also owns. Sure.

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Man I am probably the only person in the world who likes Teams. :harold:

Then again I am also someone who thinks Biden has done a really good job and will go down in history as a better president than Clinton or Obama if he gets a second term. :harold:

Might be an overlap in those demographics :harold: :harold: :harold:


Is this statement even controversial? Biden is clearly the best president we’ve had since Carter. The bar is unfortunately low. Obama doesn’t pull ahead because of all the deaths he has on his hands. Biden pulled us out of Afghanistan.

Seems like every time people on the left talk about grandpa Joe, it’s “yes he sucks but we have to vote for him because Trump is going full autocrat”

My position is we should vote for Biden because he’s awesome. He’s the best President of my lifetime and probably the best since FDR.

Obama was still doing his “work with reasonable republicans” horseshit in year 7 of his presidency.

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oh no

And didn’t that work out great for the Afghans

It was never going to work out great for the Afghans.

Not sure what the beef with obama is. maybe it’s because he’s black.

obamacare wasn’t perfect but people like to forget that Republicans, lobbyists, and insurance companies have spent the better part of the last decade and a half neutering it beyond recognition. It wasn’t ever intended to be a permanent solution either. Plus, even in its current form, it is VASTLY better than what existed before. People like to forget how horrible it was in the beforetimes. I myself was literally uninsurable, and the lack of coverage on certain types of stuff that’s automatic now like psychiatrists, and crippling debt accrued from normal medical problems was ruining my life. I know for a fact I would be dead now without it, and millions of other people, too. If Covid had hit with what we had in the old insurance system, it would have brought the entire health system to its knees, and maybe worse.

Easily the best president of my lifetime. I’m not sure what the fuck else people expected him to do with the hand he was dealt.

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and yea I’ll say it hill-dawg woulda been better than biden. definitely wouldn’t have completely rolled over on Roe v. Wade like Joe did.

I think Obama approach ends up getting hurt a lot by not having a D win after him. I still think all this just a bad beat that Biden son got cancer. If not he probably squeaks out win against Trump, Ds lock down scotus, build onto Obamacare and Rs shun the Trumpers for costing them election.

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Google Meet and Slack are both good to me, no complaints. We even have a iPad thingy that connects me straight to my meetings when I go into a room since it’s all connected to the calendar

This thing



Biden definitely beats Trump in 2016 but Biden would be a dog against Hil in the primary

My problem with Obamacare isn’t really anything in the bill. The worst job I ever had was working retention for Blue Cross Blue Shield (99% of the calls I took on that job were from CA) in a third party call center. Most of the people calling in were calling in because their premium had gone up several hundred percent and had preexisting conditions so they couldn’t get health insurance anywhere else. This was, of course, a feature not a bug. The healthy people BCBS was aggressively selling new plans (which required medical underwriting) to get them off the old plans which would allow them to dramatically raise insurance prices on the sick people. Every single call was beep same shitty story. It took me a couple of months to find another job and I was putting my wife through nursing school that year. This was 2009 lol.

So obviously getting rid of medical underwriting for health insurance, a really good idea.

The problem with Obamacare is opportunity cost. It didn’t actually solve anything about the #1 issue for the Healthcare system which is ‘how is healthcare cost derived’. It was also done at a moment in time when there was broad public support for doing real banking reform that could have solved actual root cause problems and put the world on a more sustainable path forward… instead we got a bandaid for the people actually being killed by our healthcare system (which promptly began killing other people instead because cost) that was extremely vulnerable to being watered down and contained a ton of subsidies for the worst people in the entire system (the private for profit healthcare corporations).

I know it was lifechanging for you and a bunch of other people because I spoke to 50 of you a day at the exact moment when they got fucked for two months. Some of those calls I can still remember every single word of. It wasn’t the most traumatic experience of my life or anything but it was a super radicalizing experience.

For me it’s not that I think Obamacare was inherently bad, a bust, etc etc it’s that it was exactly what’s wrong with how we govern this country. A last minute patch to a crazy arterial bleed with no attention paid whatsoever to how that person got cut in the first place. We literally paid off the people who stabbing. I know because they paid me to pull he knife out over and over again for two months.

Maybe time has warped my memory on this, but I swear I remember Dems all viewing Biden as the logical successor and even most republicans begrudgingly admitting they likely had no shot against him until Beau died and he announced he wasn’t running. Uncle Joe was pretty damn popular in 2014-15.

I remember obama just barely squeaking out a win against hillary in the primary, she is a formidable campaigner. That’s why losing to trump was so unforgiveable, because other than the comey/russia shit she basically threw the election.

A lot of people in this thread don’t know what “non-political” means.

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Some recruiters have managed to get my cell number and been hounding me with calls and texts. I literally just hung up on this lady then how you going to text me this