The Non-political ANGER THREAD

But your take home was the same and your insurance coverage was the same?

That sounds terrible, Iā€™m gonna stick with my plan of paying someone elseā€™s kids to wipe my ass when Iā€™m old.

Theyā€™re only strangers the first timeā€¦


That is my point, if no one else has kids then your money would be useless. There would not be enough hands available to wipe all the old asses. Simple math.

Us ā€œbreedersā€ subsidizing the rest of you pricks with a healthy supply of potential asswipers is the only thing standing in the way of a dystopian future.

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They contributed 10k to my premium which iirc was 9.5k or so, so I paid nothing, then it went to 5k contribution (and people with dependents doubled) so out of pocket I was then covering the difference out of my paycheck with the same plan.

I could not reduce my plan because the deductible skyrocketed to more than the difference and I always hit my deductible, so it was effectively a pay decrease.

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Was that on the boat? The start ups Iā€™ve been at charge people with children more for their plans so their monthly cost is higher than mine, mine is under $100 a check theirs is a little over that.

lol no, an ecommerce company, the boat didnt even have health insurance :joy:

but Iā€™ve basically never been at a company so far in my career that didnt offer to contribute towards health premiums. Thatā€™s a major benefit for me given my chronic illnesses.


cool Iā€™ll accept your premise that all humans are responsible to create another replacement human who is obligated to take care them as soon as all humans can consent to being created, sound fair?


You donā€™t have an obligation to jack. But itā€™s simply false that you non-breeders are subsidizing us breeders, itā€™s the other way around. We are massively subsidizing this thing called ā€œsocietyā€ that you enjoy.

An hour ago you said your half siblings are obligated to wipe your stepmomā€™s ass.

You have to be a pretty capable parent to get your kids to wipe your ass. I personally canā€™t wait to know my mom is homeless, and know I could have done something about it. I wish my dad had lived longer so I could have neglected/ignored him 10% as hard as he neglected/abused me lol.

People shouldnā€™t be having kids ā€˜so that someone will take care of me when Iā€™m oldā€™. Thatā€™s a burden much heavier than even good parents have earned, and the kids probably wonā€™t have the resources to give it to you even if you do everything right.

Iā€™m not sure if my wife and I are having kids or not, but my plan for when I need someone else to wipe my ass is to kill myself before it gets that bad. Thatā€™s the best option any of us have for the last year of your life. There is no dignity whatsoever in slowly wasting away in tremendous suffering, which is what happens when you reach whatever your personal expiration date is regardless of the quality of care you are getting.

Again I cannot stress enough what a HORRIBLE deal having kids is in 2023. We might have one because itā€™s one of the core human experiences that gives life meaning, but thereā€™s absolutely no way to justify it in any practical way. Itā€™s bad for the planet, itā€™s bad for you, and the country youā€™re helping is what the empire in Star Wars is based on.


To illustrate my point. Obviously they are not legally obligated to wipe the ass. If they consider her a good mother then arguably they are morally obligated to see to it that the ass is wiped one way or another. Most people choose to outsource some of the ass wiping and do some of the ass wiping themselves.

People shouldnā€™t be having kids ā€˜so that someone will take care of me when Iā€™m oldā€™.

Iā€™d say almost no one does, if itā€™s on purpose, itā€™s for mostly narcissistic reasons that someone thinks the world needs more copies of their genetic soup out there.

Everything else is just after the fact justification or was an accident/they were forced into it either by societal pressure or by laws (lol texas).

Having a kid is easily the coolest (and hardest) thing Iā€™ve done.


Yeah, being a parent is a terrible deal. I pay a small fortune to raise the kid and then when I get old they go wipe the ass of the highest bidder, I.e. someone like grue/jmakin who ducked the cost of raising a child.

And they have the nerve to complain about a relatively trivial subsidy to breeder health insurance? Laughable.

My wife and I donā€™t yet have kids, but we plan to. I was ambivalent about it but she really wanted kids (dealbreaker for her), so I had to find my way to accepting it, and for me the best reason I found (for myself, obviously how one feels about it is highly personal and subjective) is that I think I will be happier and fulfilled later in life having family & kids compared to not doing so. Part of this is having a somewhat nihilistic view about life, and I picture being in your 70s and 80s just depressing as fuck as you careen towards death with nothing in the world (besides your spouse) to care about, without a family.

My dad in particular I think is somewhat similar to me, and despite being generally unsentimental he described having kids as the most fulfilling thing heā€™s ever done.


Do you just have a photo of random kids at your desk to provide cover?

lol ā€œducked the costā€ i also donā€™t have a dual income like you probably do, so cry me a fuckin river

? Having an income-earning spouse/partner is orthogonal from having children, not to mention that living in a 1-2BR apartment is viable for a single person or couple w/o children but not for a family.

Iā€™m not really employed by an employer anymore but I will wear a fake wedding ring these days.

Iā€™m not even kidding the amount of unpaid hours Iā€™ve had to work in my life because of other peopleā€™s kids is easily 2000+