The Non-political ANGER THREAD

The incentive is you save hundreds of thousands of dollars and have more freedom, that’s enough for me.


lol the health benefits at my last job got halved for people without dependents and doubled for those with and HR didnt even try to sugarcoat it or anything, just expected the childless to take it in the ass because that’s how it always is expected to go.

don’t ever let it slip at work you dont have kids or you’ll get all the overtime/holiday assignments because “what else are you going to do”

I’m sure Grog the caveman felt a little salty that all these nonproductive kids ate some the mammoth he dragged back to the cave but society collectively trying to provide for the the elderly, sick and children is a pretty common goal and it’s laughable to think the US over favors parents compared to almost anywhere else with a functioning economy.

ok so other than the very obvious example I posted above who do you suppose is subsidizing the $2000 child tax credit?

that’s ignoring other benefits like workplace daycare, paternity/maternity leave, etc. I’d love 6 weeks of paid leave every time my cat gets sick.

My wife and I don’t have kids but I don’t see how you can get mad at parents having some more benefits, specially when in the US we lag far behind in this department compared to other rich countries.

Even for the childless the personal benefit argument is that we need population growth to sustain the economy.

And a final point is that if we were to stop paying taxes for things that don’t benefit us personally, then Rand Paul wins.

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It’s better to have breeders than not so society gives incentives for it. If you don’t like it leave society. I don’t think there needs to be any other counter argument.

Having a single child adds more carbon and waste to the earth than coal rolling 24/7 every day for your adult life. Many multiples of that. And yea I’ll get right on leaving society. Society should incentivize not having kids, like I said at first.

This whole convo is an example of the childless stigma. Look how mad breeders get that other people didn’t make a miserable decision like they did.

Not having children leads to a lower tax base and eventually the extinction of your country. I don’t know why you expect this part of society to be fair when pretty much nothing else is.

Oh, I’m not a breeder. I just understand what breeders bring to the table.

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I really don’t care that I’m paying a little bit more in taxes to subsidize some body’s kids. They’re the ones stuck with the kids.

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2k/year is peanuts. Most of the functioning world it would be the baby entire hospital stay, months of Mom work salary and years of childcare getting subsidized.

The deal you get for having kids is trash. I think most of Jmakin’s resentment comes from being forced to pick up the slack for people with kids at work for zero additional compensation.

The government should be investing in children because it gets its money back and then some when they become tax payers. The math on that is not particularly complicated. If anything there should be way more government subsidies for parents (who get basically nothing but brain chemicals out of the deal while paying for everything). The single biggest beneficiary from an additional well cared for child is the tax base full stop. That’s where the money to pay for it should come from.

I’m really tired of people saying they want to run government like a business and then immediately refusing to invest in things with crazy positive ROI’s like free childcare and high quality schools for all. I run a business and would never not spend the absolute maximum I could beg/borrow/steal on something with the kind of ROI the government gets from money spent on children.

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What’s your plan for when you become useless to society and retire? I assume you plan on having our children service you, up to and including wiping your ass in a nursing home?

Look, clearly you believe in something like voluntary extinction of humans. Good for you, that also sounded appealing to me when I planned on not having children.

But shocker, most humans aren’t wired that way for obvious reasons and we live in a democracy so you lose sir.

I don’t have kids and don’t want any. The financial benefits indisputably favor staying childless. But I’d really like society to continue functioning when I’m too old to make any productive contributions and for that we need some number >0 in the next generation. I view it as the height of selfishness to put the burden of raising that generation on everyone else but enough seem happy to do it I’m not losing any sleep over it.


For one, I fully expect to work until the day I die, and see no indication of this changing any time soon.

And I do not think humans are in any danger of going extinct, but given that our current wholesale destruction of the earth is driven entirely by consumption and there simply being far too many of us, a population reduction would almost certainly be very good for the planet, especially given the impending humanitarian crises looming from climate change.

My employer is $100/month premium for single person and $1300/month for worker+spouse+dependents.

PM your employer and we can arrange a trade for each other with a 4th round pick coming with you since I’m pretty useless.

Edit: I know it was your previous job but I wanted to shoehorn 4th round pick in there.


This is the company’s fault, not the breeder’s fault. If you’re covering holiday’s without additional compensation you’re working for the wrong employer or haven’t learned how to work the system.

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Do you wipe your parent’s asses?

Those ROIs don’t magically appear next quarter though.

So maybe it is more like a business than you think.

No, but only because my mom died young and my dad remarried a much younger woman who will presumably wipe his ass for him. My half siblings will then be obligated to wipe her ass when she gets older.

I do anticipate assisting my wife in wiping her parents’ ass in a few years.

It’s standard around here for employer contributions going towards premium so that you either pay almost nothing or nothing. That contribution was halved for non-dependents so that one year I was making about $5k less than the year before, simply for the fact I did not have children.