The Non-political ANGER THREAD

someone in my town facebook group posted this picture today with this vague caption: “The city spent $$$$$ for bike lanes…why?”

not really clear what this person is mad about other than … bikes exist?

anyway the comments are predictably a sewer of reactionary shitbags who think bikers are the biggest problem facing humanity at the moment

I guess it’s because he’s riding about 3 inches outside his lane with no cars anywhere near him? I’m sure two seconds after that pic was taken he heard the car behind him and got over.

:clap: paint :clap: is :clap: not :clap: biking :clap: infrastructure :clap:


That’s also my guess because it’s annoying me just looking at the picture. This guy is clearly one of those bikers who thinks they’re safer if they get in the way of traffic, forcing cars to slow down. Even if they now get out of the way I have to assume they’re liable to do something stupid when I pass.

it’s worth noting that the bike lanes are full of limbs and broken glass

The paint doesn’t define where the bike should ride – it is where cars should generally not go. When the region to the right of the paint is full of debris (which is common because vehicles push debris away from the lane) the bike should ride where the path is clear. They are traffic and yes, you are forced to slow to safely pass other traffic sometimes. The existence of traffic on the road shouldn’t annoy you – you’re traffic too!


All depends on the context, for example I would be equally annoyed during rush hour if I were stuck behind a car or a cyclist doing 30 less than the speed limit with oncoming traffic preventing them being passed.

I don’t know what is worse, trying to get quiet people to participate in a meeting or having quiet people try and participate after multitasking and missing the point…

I’m an Amazon Prime member, and I thought the Evil Empire and I had a good working relationship. I buy stuff…they send me targeted adds, some of which I’ll investigate.

Yet, at least weekly, I get the “You have free gifts waiting” email, with an offer to sign up for the audiobook service. However, I don’t listen to audiobooks nor do I ever search for them on Amazon or elsewhere.

I don’t know if the algorithm is stubborn or if Amazon is just blasting everyone with these stupid, audiobook offers?

I would guess it’s a promotion and they want to give all their users a free Audible trial.

I love my audible. My wife mainly uses it. Listening to kitty Kat kill sat right now. Like it a lot so far

I got one of those Audible emails a week ago, but I’m absolutely sure it will be the last one ever since its subject is “Last chance on HUGE savings”

I get others that insist that I “have an unused Prime benefit” by which they mean Prime Music or something which I’m never going to use since I have Apple Music and I like it.

These don’t make me angry though, I sort of appreciate that they want me to know that there’s something I could be getting literally for free and they just can’t believe I’m not interested.

I just realized that I could unsubscribe from Audible without unsubscribing from all promo emails.

Boomer better now.


So the spouse scheduled the PNC Visa card to be paid on the due date.

It registered one day late.

$27 fee plus charging interest plus our grace period is off.

Had this happen back in ‘12 or ‘13. Phone calls were useless.

Will be tilting at windmills at the local branch in person.

They can get a one time ~$100 or they can get swipe fees on ~$50-60k of annual churn.

If they don’t waive we walk. Can’t believe I’m going to have to devote hours to this nonsense.

My old MSU credit union visa I keep around because it works 100% of the time overseas is such a different story. I don’t use it that often so I’ve blown the due date a handful of times over the decades. Each time a quick emessage thru their system got everything waived and reset.

I finally got over my fear of “Big Bank” and now have my CC bill set for Auto-Pay.

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In the process of breaking up with PNC myself. Their app sucks relative to the other bank apps I have. The don’t offer good rates or any other product that’s worth keeping them for. A decade ago I lived in western PA and they had the most presence and best service but now that I’m in northern NJ there’s a lot more Chase branches around.

I was fully prepared for a DEFCON 1 rage post about Amazon because:

  1. for the first time ever, they sent me a completely different item from what I ordered
  2. the item is “non-returnable” so even when I when through the replacement process and picked “completely wrong item” for the reason, it would not proceed
  3. I was unable to find any way to contact anybody


Eventually I clicked the right button (“I need more help”) which took me to a customer service portal offering either a callback or a chat bot. I picked the chat bot and everything was taken care of within 60 seconds. Replacement on the way (no charge obviously) and best of all no need to return the wrong item. (“You can donate, recycle, or dispose of it.”)

If anybody needs a 6-pack of 18" universal swimming pool steps, let me know.


Re PNC Visa late fee due to their payment system.

Shocked Pikachu today. One call about 15 minutes. Just one person (did have to put me old while he got approval).

Late fee and interest credited back. Grace period back in effect. Had a solution to use account transfer vs bill pay function don’t doesn’t happen again.

They do ask a lot of identifying info. Kind of a hassle but prolly good to prevent bad actors.