The Non-political ANGER THREAD

Do high interest rates deflate home prices? Like would this figure be a lot bigger if we were still in the covid-era of 3% mortgages? That’s insane :harold:

I would think so long term but I imagine high interest rates also decreases number houses on market because people try harder not to move.

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Tesla enthusiast at my poker table is singing Elon’s praises (“robotaxis coming soon!”)

This is bad enough but he’s consistently pronouncing it “TEZZ-La”. I don’t know, maybe this is a thing. Sounds dumb tho.

Ugh, Dallas Stars just got robbed of a series-clinching goal.

Just checked this out and holy hell what a terrible call.

No dog in this fight, but really hope the Stars win this.

Puck don’t lie.


I’ve had some hockey stuff show up in my YouTube feed because of Shoresy and it sounds like officiating in the NHL is horrible right now.

Far too late on this, but I hope it was a skate in the crease.

No skate in the crease! It was instead, like half a butt cheek at most. And that cheek was only at or over the line because he was being pushed back by a defender.

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Some people moved into a house near me and cut down some trees and just… dumped them on the curb next to the nature preserve, like 2 cars size of tree branches, hundreds of people drive by it every day, tf?

Someone does like it though.

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He was promising this like four+ years ago?

The Elon cult I truly do not understand on any level. It’s a cult of personality around a man with zero personality.

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My poor Buffalo raised father-in-law. Called it all season until then.

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Pretty impressive getting a cat on a leash. Mine would murder me if I tried to pull that.

4 cats in a row loved going outside for walks so much they’ll tolerate the leash.

F brett hull.

Dumbass neighbor is having their daughter practice the recorder outside with zero supervision or structure.

Thanks dude.

It will be brief. Wait until it’s coming from inside your own house.

Oh and I played bassoon in middle school. My poor parents. That’s like a 6 foot recorder that sounds like a dying cow.

Ha that’s what I figured. These are the people who I’ve had issues with before throwing a mega loud party. They also ignore this poor girl, it’s really sad.

On the other hand our daughter loves to play with a keyboard piano… with headphones on lol

go to the pharmacy drive-thru to pick up meds for my dad, they put my card IN THE BAG and STAPLE IT SHUT, I get it, people probably leave their card in the little drawer all the time but that’s their problem not mine