The Non-political ANGER THREAD

They once put my card in a little envelope and stapled the little envelope to the bag. By the time I got home I had forgotten they had done that so I just threw the bag away after removing the meds :frowning:

One of the joys of moving is finding out where the new grocery stores put their food. The Target I went to had a ā€œCondimentsā€ isle with no Mayonnaise. It was in the ā€œSalad Dressingā€ isle. Someone at the checkout stand was astonished I could find the Mayo and we laughed and laughed at Targetā€™s organizational skills.

Itā€™s almost as if the goal is to make you wander up and down extra aisles.


Having an occasional 3 day weekend just makes me realize how much 2 day weekends suck.

With a 3 day weekend, you can be all of:

  • Productive
  • Fun
  • Lazy

With a 2 day weekend, at least one of those activities suffers.


Somehow I have made it throughout my entire professional life with 3 day weekends. Sometimes I might have to work on my extra day off, but itā€™s rare. Unfortunately, they are more lazy than productive. But thatā€™s not that bad in the grand scheme of things.

3 day weekends are significantly better than 2 day weekends. My problem is that I only make money when I work, so that extra day off is a day with no pay. The fact that I canā€™t have it both ways makes me non politically angry.

I think there going to be increasing societal push towards 4 day work weeks over next 15 years

Yeah, itā€™s a tradeoff. I could work that day and make about 25% more money. Thatā€™s a lot of money, but Iā€™d rather have the time.

And probably an institutional push towards 6, just so we can keep things the way they are and call it a draw.

I can see a 4-day 40-hour week becoming marginally more common but I donā€™t see it becoming ā€œthe normā€ due to inertia. 5-day school schedules are more than anything going to keep things the way they are

Iā€™m on the fence about whether Iā€™d want to work 4x10. 3-day weekend is just enormous, but the flip side of it is that on days where Iā€™m going to the gym and/or have shit to do after work, Iā€™m either getting home at like 10pm, or getting up way fucking earlier than Iā€™d ever want to (I hate early mornings with a passion) and then passing out early anyway so who cares if I got home at a more ā€œnormalā€ time.

I almost feel like the only way Iā€™d adjust properly is if it were part of a job change that also cut my commute in half or more (currently 50-60 mins each way) so that the net difference in time out of the house wasnā€™t that drastic.

Yeah I think the 5x8 or 4x10 is definitely such an individualized thing that impossible to say one is inherently better. Like you mentioned with commutes, for me when I work a longer schedule going in earlier and leaving later actually pretty dramatically decreases my time spent commuting due to traffic patterns, even ignoring the one less day of commuting.

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This is what I do, and Iā€™m not a big fan. My schedule is shit though because itā€™s so inconsistent.

Weā€™re on a weird 9 x 9 thing where we get every other Friday off and it works well except most people probably arenā€™t ā€œworkingā€ the 9 hours every day thing. I hope they donā€™t get rid of it, every month should have at least one 3 day weekend.

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I would love 4x10 weeks. All of the production people in our plant have switched to that schedule and Friday is used as an OT day if needed. The problem is the auxiliary departments can get a bunch of maintenance and PM type work done on Friday when lines arenā€™t running so it would be tough to move all of them to the same schedule. Theyā€™d basically just end up working OT every week.

I feel the need to add two things:

4x10 is a lot harder when itā€™s 6-4,10-10, 4-2a, 4-2a in the same week

Standard for my industry is 32 hours per week is full time, as ER work tends to be a little more intense than other medicine jobs.

I want 4x8.


Wouldnā€™t shock me if we start to see that too someday, obviously pending who wins elections.

Probably a step along the ā€œoptimisticā€ path of AI ā†’ UBI outcomes if society actually does something right for once.

It would certainly make sense for full employment.

Oh wait, we donā€™t want that. Gives labor too much power.

what is it with zoomers and their alien speech patterns/cadences when they are on the phone

I realize I sound like a boomer but come on people