The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Thank God for Biden and his red line

sounds like the de-escalation worked

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From a game theory perspective, if the fascists win a few more elections from here, then it will foreclose any possibility of positive change within your life time.

If people want better candidates and to advance better policy, then there are years between elections to organize and put in the work. Change is hard and takes more than just voting and posting on the internet.


dang that sounds bad, maybe the democrats should run a candidate that can postpone their neoliberal agenda for just a bit and instead build a coalition to win this really important election?

or maybe a bunch of tsk tsking and wagging fingers at the dumb brat voters who won’t do what they’re told will do it?

it’s hard for the voters, but the candidates shouldn’t be expected to do anything

If your engagement with our political system is limited to voting every couple of years and posting on the internet, then I get the urge to “send a message” with your vote. Because that’s all you’ve got, and you don’t want to feel like a sucker.

My suggestion is to get more civically engaged in more ways. Then doing the obviously correct thing in voting for Joe Biden won’t make you feel like such a sucker.

man you are gonna feel so righteous telling everyone how the voters are to blame as you’re marched off to the gulag

like buddy, I’ve already said I’m voting for biden. so don’t wag your fucking finger at me sling whatever fucking dumb bullshit you’re pushing

If I’d had family killed in Palestine I’d probably find it pretty hard to vote for Biden!

But also if I were Biden and saw my approval tank after the Afghan withdrawal, I’d probably become the joker.

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What do you think Trump is going to do for you and your family that Biden won’t?

Personally I’m voting for Biden

I have a small amount of hope that a lot of the “fuck Biden” people end up holding their noses and voting for him. Kinda like all the “fuck Trump” republicans did and will vote for their guy. I think it also has an impact on polling, lotta people don’t want to admit what they’re going to do.

Also in my time canvassing recently there are a LOT of people who just will not tell you for whom they’re going to vote. I spoke to many people who very obviously (like they’d have one of those “in this house we believe” signs out front) were going to vote for my guy, but when I said “can we count on your vote?” they’d get this look on their face and just be like “we’ll see” or something.


If they won’t say, they are voting Trump.

I’m hoping for a bunch of older wives cancelling out their husbands votes.

I’m not sure that’s necessarily true. Lots of angry progressives probably won’t admit they are voting for Biden.

We know they’re out there since that’s like 25% of the forum right now. Like yes we’ll admit here we’re obviously voting for Biden but if a pollster called me tomorrow? I really might tell them that if we don’t change direction on Israel I’m not voting at all. It’s a bold faced lie but that’s absolutely in my range lol.


It is helpful to remember that Twitter is a very small bubble and not representative of the public as a whole.

idk, I feel like the post-left Dirtbag weirdos are much less of a factor then they were in 2016. On the other hand, the situation in Palestine is killing his appeal to the youth vote.

More of Biden quietly doing good things

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This is extremely important for a lot of people, and if they go hard on this that would be great.

I mean if you want to get inflation down this is how you do it in 2024 not by raising interest rates. It’s not an interest rate problem it’s a market power problem brought on by too much consolidation. Send the poultry/egg/rental guys to federal prison IMO.



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