The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

If I were his opponent I’d be hoping and praying he said Bidenomics and mentioned the unemployment rate, so I could hit back with, “Yep, Bidenomics: when inflation is so high you need two jobs instead of one!”

It’s another symptom of everyone in power being a rich boomer. Of course they’re befuddled people are angry, they personally are doing great.

The entire democratic message should be “the economy is completely broken.” Instead they do the exact opposite: “the economy is great, stop complaining.” Really resonates with millennials who are now 40, can’t afford kids, are one layoff and illness away from simultaneous bankruptcy and death, and will never own a home despite working their asses off.


And they truly only understand the economy by stats and data that they and their predecessors have so badly manipulated as to be completely non-representative of reality for the average person.

I’m told I should stop being lazy and just work harder. I’m open to the idea, if someone can teach me how to operate on literally zero sleep. As I’m entering an era of working 16 hours a day with a couple hours left over for eating, shitting, showering and maybe a 15 minute walk in the morning, it appears that the only way I can stop being a worthless lazy bum is to trade the remaining six hours of sleep for more working hours.

Idk what’s going with polls. I am very sure that Pittsadelphia is going way strong for Biden/dems. No way Trump is up in PA. I’ve also been in the Pennsyltucky region and no sign enthusiasm compared to the last two cycles.

I’ve posted this in other threads but I think running a campaign that asks the voters’ logical brain to prioritize economic interests over the grievance politics they feel in their emotional brain is a fools errand. And it inevitably would become a he said / she said between one party saying the government and minorities are taking what’s yours and the other party saying the rich are taking what’s yours.

I think we all agree that voters turning to Trump in 2016 over economic anxieties was a media manufactured narrative and in reality it was 90% racism. Nothing has changed there.

Class warfare might sell well on the Internet among Reddit regulars or on this board but it has never worked in American politics

They’ve never really tried a full on class war in a general election, though.

When the class war guy, who would have won, got some traction, the entire field magically dropped out to endorse the 200 year old establishment fossil. Thinking emoji.

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dont worry guys millennials are actually doing great:

spoiler: written by a boomer, study is the most hilariously cherrypicked data, which also conveniently does not include home equity.

The gaslighting of millennials by boomers will be a topic of study someday, I’m certain.


They could run ads pitting regular folks struggling against billionaires on yachts and private jets etc etc. I think they could definitely get an emotional response on that.

Yeah I’ve seen some badly manipulated data before, but this is up there. Painting $40K a year as a livable income in retirement is hilarious, doing so regardless of home equity is next level. They also assume that cuts to Social Security will impact all generations equally. My expectation is to contribute to Social Security my entire life and get ~nothing when the time comes.

I think you guys are just picturing the rest of the electorate to be more similar to yourselves than they are. Most of America is still bought into the narratives of rich people = job creators and socialism = bad. Slicker ads over one election cycle isn’t going to undo a lifetime of cultural pro-capitalism programming in people’s brains.

I honestly think this type of campaign would end in a Reagan-esque landslide if Republicans put out any non-Trump candidate.

A Reagan style landslide is impossible in today’s political climate. Not sure we’re ever seeing a single party win 40+ states ever again and it certainly won’t be happening a year from now.

That said, I think an Obama style beatdown is possible if Trump wasn’t at the top of the ticket. Might even be possible with Trump as the candidate.

I believe a superyaught is one over 100’ LOA and can be quickly spotted because it requires a second mast with a light on it.

Our only hope is suburban goldfish. If indeed the news next spring, summer and fall is a continuous onslaught of Trump convictions it may sway enough of these morons. Suburban women in particular are largely paying zero attention right now but will be disgusted by Trump when they see him more often.

Negative campaigning doesn’t work on Trump, that’s how Hillary lost in 2016. Everyone already knows how fucked up Trump is, and the Derpers love him precisely because he is so horrible. Negative campaigning is just making the rubble bounce and/or possibly helping him.

Dems have winning positions on just about every issue but they waste their time talking about Trump instead of healthcare or abortion or gun control.

I completely disagree that Hillary lost by going negative on Trump, and that negative doesn’t work on Trump. You’re not trying to win his base. To win the election I think Democrats need to be constantly shoving reminders in the face of the suburban moms who hate Trump and the right’s assault on abortion but are also fed up with the current economy.

I definitely would not be branding my plan as socialist, I’d be talking about a return to the capitalist glory of the 80s and 90s.

Yeah, but come on, you know the state of media in this country. Socialism is the word that will be repeated over and over if we’re actually talking about putting economic class warfare being front and center.

You’ve got to win the fight before it starts by making it about “restoring American capitalism.” Then when they start the socialism stuff, you just tap the sign, “I told you, this is about restoring American capitalism.”