The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Any Republican trifecta is the end of any semblance of democracy here. We can maybe fade another Trump presidency ending Democracy, although I’m pretty pessimistic about our hopes of doing so. But a trifecta? No shot. It’ll be GOP rule until blood is spilled, and the blood spilled would be overwhelmingly that of civilians on our side being slaughtered in protests.

On the Senate front, there does appear to be a lane to Sherrod Brown hanging onto that seat even with Trump taking Ohio. Emerson has every matchup in that Senate race within 2%. Obviously an uphill climb when like 25% of respondents are unsure/other and they’re going to skew conservative… But Brown appears to have a better chance of holding on regardless of matchup than Manchin does in a Manchin v. Justice matchup.

If Trump is on the ticket, all the unhappy Dems will vote and they will vote Biden.

The main negative feature of Bidenomics is inflation which

A is a worldwide phenomena resulting from the pandemic and policies necessary to deal with the pandemic
B significantly driven by increased corporate profits (estimate is 1/2 to 2/3 ??)
C much lower in the US

On the plus side is a re-birth of the Labor movement and real investment in bringing production stateside.

I think Biden is doing a very good job in the economy, especially considering a split congress and hostile SCOTUS (student loan forgiveness).

Lots of pro Bidenomics adds running during the news/J!/Wheel running here in Philly.

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Polls are useless right now, but Biden is in huge trouble.

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95% of voters don’t understand or care about any of that inflation stuff. They care that my rent is up 30+%. My food is up 30+%. Etc. It doesn’t matter if it’s Bidens fault, he’s going to take the blame for it. He’s in bad shape and trending horribly. He’s a pretty significant dog to trump right now as I see it.


Right. Normal people are drowning. At least trump offers something - “I will fix it, never would have happened,” etc. Biden offers nothing. “Actually your life is great.” Fuck off

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I’ve been saying for years that our economic stats were broken. The current situation for the median household is a great example of having your metrics just entirely fail on you. A ton of indicators should be flashing red right now but they aren’t.

I think you guys are grossly overstating how much blame the Democrats are going to take for this. I think at this point politics is a turnout game and I don’t really see the correlation between economic performance and political performance since 2012 or so.

The Democrats beat the GOP pretty badly the last 3 elections. The sky isn’t falling yet. Saying the situation politically is very bad I think is hugely overstating things.

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Millennials are getting absolutely crushed.

Child care is like $20k a year PER KID. Shows up nowhere in these BIDENOMICS ACTUALLY YOUR LIFE IS AWESOME metrics. Not to mention every single necessity is up like 100%. Education, health care, housing, food. I truly fucking hate boomers.

Also, you used to be able to comfortably just spend your whole net pay because you knew you would get a pension plus social security. Now we have to somehow save like 25x expenses to retire because neither will exist for us. FUCK YOU


The only solutions to those problems are political, but they actually aren’t that hard to solve with actual political power. Which is why this entire situation is super stupid from the perspective of the rich people. The frog they’re trying to boil is going to jump out of the pot.

que? not ime

I agree wholeheartedly with this. They’re broken by design, though.

I somewhat agree the turnout is the game but trying to tell people who are struggling mightily that Bidenomics is working and we need to stay the course is an awful messaging strategy.

My friends with kids tell me daycare is $3K/mo.

Day care near me (northern NJ) runs between 1600-1800 per month (per kid) and not for the fancy places.

An actual retirement is basically impossible on a normal salary. Median household pay is something like 70k. How the fuck are you supposed to pay for housing, health care, child care, food, transportation, insurance and the bare minimum entertainment/recreation and save for retirement? It’s impossible. I truly have no idea how people making less than 50k are surviving.

Yeah childcare situation is fucked up, essentially requires making like 200k+ or living in same town as a grandparent to not be massively burdensome from financial standpoint these days.

(Also feels like this has uniquely targeted middle class as seems historically lower income folks were using the great/grandparent care at high rates anyway? Curious if there actual stats on that?)

Lots and lots of roommates / living with family / homelessness. They’re eating a lot less meat. It’s been pretty bleak for the bottom 60% for a long time. Now some people in the next quintile are experiencing actual deprivation too.

At the very bottom things haven’t gotten that much worse. That’s because those people would actually starve (more, most/many of them are using food banks and foodstamps ldo) if you did to them what they just did to the middle class. There wasn’t anything to take really.

i dunno i live in norcal and it’d be 1200 or so per month to do full time at my place that I love.

It’s just enraging. There is a truly incomprehensible amount of money flowing to rent seeking assholes. We could solve basically every problem we have by cutting the offense budget in half, and that’s to say nothing of all the waste in health care. Oh, and we deliberately let billionaires never pay taxes.

Also there seems to be a white middle class American tendency over last 50+ years to live separate from parents and then put them in a nursing home once they old. That certainly not going to be a sustainable trend. Although I’ve always wondered if this is generally the goal universally among ethnicities and white folks were the only ones financially attaining it but lot of my non-white patients seem to have genuine cultural/moral concerns about sticking grandma in a home even when they could get it paid for,

Polling is bleak as fuck, and there are so many ways things could break bad before the election. Best we can hope for is that after Trump dies no one can duplicate his magical brain-breaking power he has over America. And I’m not at all convinced there aren’t guys who can do what he does.