The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

I still think the polling is broken. As has been pointed out, there is a big bucket of undecided which I think is weighted towards “not Trump” and as long as Trump is on the ballot will pull the level for Biden by a big enough margin.

Feel free to bookmark and laugh at me when we meet up in the gulags in 2025.

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And there’s not many ways things can break “good”.

The only one I can think of is “Trump dies,” which ensures GOP victory

An actual ad from my news feed.


Bidenomics is… Congrats, you’re making like 5% more, and everything costs twice as much, but thanks to the labor shortage you, too, can be a DoorDasher to make up the difference!

“Childcare isn’t $20k a year, it’s only $14.4k” isn’t a great rebuttal to Riverman’s point imo.

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I mean… that’d be 38% more than what I pay in a vhcola. I’m not going to some crap place either. Seems like a fair point.

If it’s 1200 then that still something like 8/dollars an hour if consider 4x40hr weeks so if you knocking someone hourly wage down by 8/hr from the get go that’s pretty burdensome. Then if you actually are hourly and can’t work for the 3 days a month they send you kid home sick but still have to pay the numbers go bad quickly

You’re getting a great deal then. I was paying $1400/month in AZ. Now it’s “only” $950 but it’s just 8 - 3:30, they don’t provide any food, and they run it like an actual school so it’s only 11 months a year. The other month will probably be in home care which will be $18 - 20/hour.

Best I can do is more tax cuts and never raising the cap on income that’s subject to social security tax.

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I have talked to a friend in the Philly suburbs about it and one in the Boston suburbs about it, both were significantly higher than $1,200 a month. Maybe their kids are younger and thus cost more, or it’s just more expensive there due to labor supply and childcare demand, or maybe you’re getting an awesome deal.

I’m paying 2500/mo for day care and that was the cheapest of several places near me. My previous address is 20 miles away and day care there is half the price.

i don’t even pay the 1200, it’s 950 to do 8a-12p which is what we do now. Maybe it’s just local to my specific area.

Yeah the number you’re reporting is lower than what I’m hearing from friends out of Columbus, OH. There’s something weird going on with the funding of your daycare. Not a bad thing in any way obviously.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s less of a labor shortage in CA because of better policies/attitudes towards immigration.

Love your posts, but I’d love to break you of using this unironically.

Labor shortages do not exist. Just jobs not paying enough.

You never hear of a CEO shortage.


I generally agree with this. When we talk about labor shortages we’re really just talking about the cost of labor rising. Lately it’s been going up at the very bottom and the very top and everyone else has gotten absolutely squashed.

Hmmm… maybe that’s kind of it? The place I send her to has mostly Indian women working there. Maybe there in less demand because of that? Regardless they’ve been great so far.

I think we do have a labor shortage due to a lack of immigration, Boomers retiring, and pandemic deaths. I don’t think it’s that “people don’t want to work,” like the rich asshole conservatives keep saying. I think we literally need more people to fill the jobs.


That’s not what I meant.

My wife was an au pair, and has a few friends who still are or who do nanny work on the side. So we’re pretty dialed in on that particular labor market, and there certainly seem to be more openings than people applying. The labor is also largely supplied by recent immigrants, so I could see shifts post-covid in immigration patterns creating big regional differences.

California treats immigrants well, so I could see there being more recent immigrants there and thus more childcare providers.