The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Lol did this, like, not come up in the fucking job interview???

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Not only is it not House of Cards, itā€™s dumber than Veep.

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LMAO I figured they wanted the shit to move slow because they wanted to run against Trump and try to nail the timing for the trials to be in the summer of 2024.

Biden picked Garland as his attorney general with the stated desire to restore a semblance of independence at the Department of Justice that he and others believed was lost under Donald Trump. He announced the nomination the day after the Jan. 6 attacks at the Capital ā€” a backdrop that Biden offered up as proof that someone of Garlandā€™s stature and temperament was needed in the post.

ā€œYour loyalty is not to me,ā€ Biden said. ā€œYou wonā€™t work for me. You are not the president or the vice presidentā€™s lawyer.ā€

Democrats close to Biden fear Garland has become too consumed by that instruction to appear impartial.

ā€œWhat Democrats do is they bend over backwards not to look partisan, and then they end up hiring people that are partisan but in the other direction,ā€ said a Biden donor, granted anonymity to speak freely about the top law enforcement official in the country. ā€œThereā€™s no question in my mind that the villain here is Merrick Garland.ā€

Hereā€™s some chefs kiss right here

Biden, for his part, has kept his frustrations with Garland private, even after publicly admonishing Hur in a press conference on Thursday for saying he couldnā€™t remember the year his son Beau died.

You just had your people leak it to the press dude, and in that very article, youā€™re trying to take a victory lap for keeping the frustrations private?

Somewhere, Mitch McConell is laughing his ass off. Blocking Garland to SCOTUS is still paying dividends OUTSIDE of SCOTUS in 2024.



I mean, thereā€™s not allowed and ā€œnot allowed.ā€

ā€œWhatā€™s a reasonable timeline to open an investigation into an executive whoā€™s just left office?ā€

ā€œHow would you handle investigating a high profile politician in the opposing party, in order to carry out justice while making it clear you were impartial?ā€



Of course! But thatā€™s not how this works. Iā€™m an asshole republican lawyer who can frame your shit however you want so sorry bro youā€™re demented. Iā€™ve never done a deposition, but Iā€™ve had to do training for how to give one, and itā€™s a giant pain in the ass. Hemming and hawing over details like that is just how people talk.

Iā€™m not whistling past this. Iā€™m sure this kind of crap is a problem. As you like to say, the media is in on it. What frustrates me is that you are buying this as legitimate, and itā€™s just not.

Heā€™s going to be 86 at the end of a potential second term. Concerns over his memory and cognition are valid, just as they are for Trump. Both have shown signs publicly of memory issues or confusion.

I guess thereā€™s a chance the full testimony reads something like, ā€œLetā€™s see, in 2009 was I still Vice President? Yeah, we won in 2008 and got sworn in in 2009.ā€

But I would think if that were the case, Biden would be demanding the DOJ release the tape or the transcript. So I think itā€™s likely he was confused enough that they donā€™t want that. I find that concerning - like I donā€™t care if he canā€™t remember if Carter won in '76 or '80, but I am concerned he canā€™t remember the year of the second biggest accomplishment of his career, given that you can work back in 4 year jumps.

Throw in the dead people he referred to instead of Macron and Merkel, and heā€™s obviously having moments of confusion.

I mean, point blank, should he be the nominee? Do you think heā€™s functioning at a high enough level with memory, cognition, executive function, etc to be a responsible choice to be the nominee?

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I donā€™t think Biden has declined so badly he canā€™t do the job, but thatā€™s the perception, the media is going to run with it, itā€™s not fair but this has been known forever.

Like yes, conceded, total BS he gets criticized for not remembering stuff at a deposition when thatā€™s totally standard practice when facing a hostile questioner. Doesnā€™t matter!

Also, letā€™s say heā€™s still 100% (heā€™s not). 82-86 are years basically everyone declines meaningfully.

LOL, dude, itā€™s set. Biden is the nominee for better or worse. Who else is going to run? Some unknown lightweight no one has heard of?

Thatā€™s a related problem.

Basically the only famous Democrats who arenā€™t over 70 are Kamala, Pete and Gavin.

Republicans have so many more young people to choose from.

The fact that no one can think of anyone with any name recognition is a systemic failure of the Democratic party that has been festering for years.

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I think there also an aspect of its inherently harder to be a democrat because many are genuinely trying to do the right thing and on all sorts of topics well meaning and intelligent people may disagree what is the right thing.

Being an upcoming R is so damn easy, the message is so united within party.

Thereā€™s some truth to this, but also the dinosaurs in the Democratic Party wonā€™t get the fuck out of the way.

A microcosm of that can be found if you look at the past few Speakers of the House. Boehner retired and fucked off in his 60s. Paul Ryan did the same, and he wasnā€™t even 50.

Compare that with Democrats, where in the 2021-22 session, the top 3 house leaders were all over 80 years old. Theyā€™ve re-shuffled leadership, but all 3 of them (Pelosi/Hoyer/Clyburn) are still taking up oxygen in the House of Representatives.

I feel like this also symptom of many D (at least initially) trying to be well meaning career public servants/politicians. But Rs are much more likely to favor the ā€œnon-politicianā€ who comes in to implement policies to help their business interest or comes in then goes and grifts on company boards or whatever. Obviously we gotta find a way to get the old Ds to retire but I do think itā€™s partially explained as it was the Ds life work/identity a higher percent of times than Rs.

Dum dum dem voters keep reelecting the fossils. Repubs get primaried or leave office before getting primaried.

I mean you can criticize @commonWealth 's acceptance of the ā€œJoe Biden has dementiaā€ narrative all you want, but if this is how heā€™s reacting, I am very shook about the rest of the electorate.


Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, or Raphael Warnock would all be way better nominees and presidents. No current national name recognition is a good thing in some ways. It means they havenā€™t been the subject of a years long right wing media smear campaign yet. Once theyā€™re nominated, everyone will learn who they are pretty quickly.

In a year where everyone from junkies to normies are like, ā€œSeriously? Biden and Trump again??? These guys suck,ā€ picking an unknown is a feature not a bug.

Picking an unknown also means you can run into campaign ending October surprises and the eDems are terrified of that possibility. Much better to run candidates who are old as hell and have no secrets to uncover because anything really juicy was already covered 30 years ago.

Gavin Newsom is easily the best realistic emergency replacement candidate in terms of likelihood of winning. Michelle Obama would be better, but itā€™s clear she has no interest in the job. Thereā€™s still time for Biden to go back to his original promise to only serve one term and allow a replacement candidate to be picked by the party. But sweet summer child if anyone thinks thatā€™s happening.

Only way I see it happening is if he bombs the State of the Union big time. That could cause enough pressure with enough time left to maybe make it happen.