The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Has anyone reputable done a Newsom Trump poll? Would the Dems dare to do an internal one? Am I crazy for thinking Newsom would do really well in that matchup?

Why? Everyone says this, but I donā€™t get it. She has almost no relevant experience.


Agree. I also feel this way about Gavin Newsom.

I guess itā€™s cool that heā€™s in his 50s, but heā€™s never come off as genuine to me. Plus thereā€™s the whole Kimberly Guilfoyle thing.

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Yeah, and the French Laundry. It may have been on UP, but @skydiver8 pointed out he was vetoing CA bills that had passed unanimously. To me, the only reason that would happen would be that you could say in a future campaign that you did that.

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Two completely different situations, imo. Newsom is at least a Governor of a big state and has legit applicable experience. There might be other reasons not to vote for him, but he has the resume.

Michelle seems smart, nice, and not evil, but she doesnā€™t have that. Obviously itā€™s not necessary (e.g. Trump), but it seems like a reasonable expectation that a candidate have significant related experience.

Definitely agree that they are different.

The only similarity is that a lot of people really want them to run for president, and I donā€™t see why.

I mean, I want someone other than Biden to run, and at this point the only realistic alternatives are Kamala (no thanks) and Newsom (better than the alternatives).

My top choices would be, in no particular order, Whitmer, Shapiro, Warnock. But they just donā€™t seem likely. Michelle Obama I donā€™t think is likely at all, but if youā€™re giving me a choice between her and Joe Biden, Iā€™ll take her.

At this point thereā€™s like a 90% chance itā€™s Biden, and the rest of the equity probably goes like 7% Newsom 3% Kamala or something like that.

Gavin is pretty easy to understand why. Heā€™s young compared to these fools. Has the resume as Governor of the biggest state. Does well on camera and polished enough that he would easily handle Orange Man in a debate. Heā€™s also male which avoids the misogyny vote. And heā€™s solid on all of the establishment Dem positions (except for those recent vetos, I guess). Yeah, he has some baggage, but he checks a lot of the boxes.

Itā€™s really not that hard. Run a young good looking guy who can talk. Kennedy, Clinton, Obama.

Gavin would win in a landslide and will in 2028 if we still have a democracy.


This makes her better than almost every candidate ever. Someone with these qualities also having been First Lady for 8 years and seeing the inner workings of the White House is more than enough relevant experience. And lol at even talking about experience when fucking Donald Trump had the job. All that matters now is winning. Have Joe drop out so Taylor Swift can run, who cares? Just win

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Hey, Biden is running as an 81-year old in 2024. Guess whoā€™s turning 81 in 2028?

Itā€™s her turn again! :harold:

Well, thereā€™s one prominent Democrat I wouldnā€™t take over Joe Biden this year.

I have still got Andy Beshear as a top level presidential nominee in 2028 if still have a democracy


I think the sitting president with 80% in party approval rating with multiple big policy wins should be the nominee

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And 53% of Democrats say someone else would have a better chance.

Cool, but theyā€™re ludicrously wrong.

More of this please

Much like the economy stuff, simply being polite and expecting things to be noticed is dumb. Biden, and democrats, need to aggressively and repeatedly make their points over a period of months to shift the narrative into their favor.


Uhhh going through a primary would be a massive waste of resources that would have divided the party with minimal return on investment and significant risk the new person would fuck up. Itā€™s not a slam dunk at all, and the primary money can now be spent against republicans

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Whew thank god we dodged that bullet!