The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

Do you have examples of this? Gaffes, yes. But usually more to do with off color remarks.

Well there are two issues. One is, “Should Biden be the nominee?” The other is “Is Biden better than Trump?”

Neither is fit to be a nominee for a major political party, but here we are. Yes, Biden is less bad than Trump. But that doesn’t justify him being the nominee, and a lot of people are using that angle to defend Biden being the nominee.

Not great signs in the global economy…

The UK is in recession.

Japan is in recession.

Germany could be coming next, -0.3% in the quarter.

I’m just taking a pragmatic approach.

I’m more afraid of switching horses than letting Joe run it out.

I do think the Biden admin has at least met my expectations given the current environment with MAGAs putting the house in chaos

Clear misses on immigration and Garland. Should have been someone like Doug Jones- a more political animal. If you are going to be accused of playing DOJ politics you might as well have someone good at it.


White House announces that Biden will not take a cognitive test.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Nobody who is saying he’s feeble would be placated by “he did great!” But a negative result is disaster.

All that said, refusing a cognitive test isn’t a great look.


Seems like biden did a damn good job.

Wait what are you asking for? Like stuff where he switched names of people instead of times like when he asked a paraplegic to stand up? I don’t see how those are really that different from one another, and no one makes a big deal out of switching a name or misspeaking like that when you’re 45.

Biden has been known for misspeaking for a long time, Trump actually said he wanted him to win because of it in 2019.

Anyways, the biggest thing is that switching a name here or there isn’t how dementia typically happens. It’s far more insidious and often happens so slowly you don’t even realize it. The mixups are just red meat for people who don’t know better.

As for not taking a cognitive test, I wouldn’t be particularly impressed if he could draw a clock or a couple pentagons either.

Biden has been knowing for saying stuff you’re not supposed to say, moreso than misspeaking. Stuff like:

“In Delaware, the largest growth of population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”

And asking the paraplegic to stand up is a pretty understandable mistake, because you normally ask people to stand up and it’s routine. Mixing up two current high profile EU leaders with their 90s counterparts who are now dead is a lot less understandable.

Given that Trump yaps about passing the cognitive exam constantly, it would actually give Biden a pretty easy comeback. And if he can’t draw some animals and connect some dots, he definitely shouldn’t be running. It would turn the whole cognitive thing into a both sides issue in the media - both took exams, both won’t release them, both accuse the other of being incoherent or whatever, both are old as fuck. That’s a good outcome for Team Biden.

Anyways, and someone who routinely has to have people remember what year things happened, this is perfectly normal:

The special counsel investigating Hunter Biden has charged a former F.B.I. informant with fabricating claims that President Biden and his son each sought $5 million bribes from a Ukrainian company — a stinging setback for Republicans who cited the allegations in their push to impeach the president.

The longtime informant, Alexander Smirnov, 43, is accused of falsely telling the F.B.I. that Hunter Biden, then a paid board member of the energy giant Burisma, demanded the money to protect the company from an investigation by the country’s prosecutor general at the time.

Mr. Smirnov’s motivation for lying, prosecutors wrote, appears to have been political. During the 2020 campaign, he sent his F.B.I. handler “a series of messages expressing bias” against Joseph R. Biden Jr., including texts, replete with typos and misspellings, boasting that he had information that would put him in jail.


The indictment did not say if Mr. Smirnov was a U.S. citizen, or specify his country of origin — only that he is a globe-trotting businessman who speaks Russian and who became an F.B.I. informant in 2010.

So their source was a Russian oligarch? And he tried to damage the Bidens and help Trump? :shocked_pika:

ezra klein’s podcast this morning isn’t the usual interview, it’s just 30 minutes of him saying “biden should stop running, release his delgates, and let the party pick a nominee in a brokered convention”

I mean, he’s not wrong except they’ll probably nominate hil

seriously someone like Warnock or Whitmer would dominate IMO. just totally flip the script on all this feeble old person stuff, pound the abortion messaging, it would be hard to fuck it up

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Biden campaign highlights Trump’s ‘shameful’ NATO remarks in battleground ad

That is a good ad.


I didn’t find a whole lot to disagree with here:

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yeah this is good, shows trump in a lot of weak, hunched over postures, etc.

would be 100x more effective with someone under 700 years old running behind it

Uncle Joe saw the world before NATO with his own two eyes

If Brandon actually does decide to retire it would cause a huge surge, right? Literally just the idea of any new blood in the race would be energizing. The question is when would be the optimal time? Like a week before the convention?

There is zero chance of him dropping out voluntarily. If he dies it’s Kamala, who polls worse than him.

I don’t think Kamala is the choice in a brokered convention