The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

In fairness to this crowd they aren’t wrong about the establishment arm of the Democratic party, and I don’t even think you disagree with that… you just think Pete is using them rather than getting used by them.

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Honestly seems nice that Biden / Pete respond to pressure from the left on stuff, I don’t remember it as much with Obama but Trump kinda erased my memory

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it doesn’t matter what it does - like, going “well technickully this is not my department’s jurisdiction” like, 10 days after the fact isn’t a particularly fantastic response to the public’s perception of this incident - but I blame the biden admin, and not pete so much here, although I do think he’s handled it poorly.

this is politics. I could be wrong but I don’t think the biden administration has said much publicly about this either, and is using pete as a convenient scapegoat. probably with malicious intent because pete absolutely could make a run for prez in 2024, 2028, or well beyond, and I don’t think the corpse of Joe Biden intends on sitting out 2024.

There are infinity opportunities for democrats to stick it to asshole rich people for political gain, weird how they never do it!

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these kids need more cages, jack

But the administration has turned to more restrictive measures as it struggles to handle a rise in migrants fleeing authoritarian governments and economic ruin in their countries.

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on the one hand Biden should be out there just absolutely shouting “trump repealed the regulation that caused this and psycho vampire peter thiel tried to use this to induce an industry-wide crash, but we fixed the acute issue AND prevented contaigion without spending a dime of taxper money”.

on the other hand the obvious line for deplorables is “hey if they fixed it without spending any taxpayer money then come on it sure sounds like getting rid of the regulation wasn’t really that dangerous” (I’m guessing this is completely wrong for non-obvious reasons but I could see a craven disingeneous shitbag making this argument).

Dark Brandon



More kids in cages coming soon. Drilling in Alaska.

Is the R for Robinette or Republican?

yeah, environmentalists hoped for no drilling, and will still sue to stop it anyway.

but what I am reading is that BLM had to compromise as Conoco already legally owned many leases in Alaska, they would drill in alaska with or without Willow. and Alaska itself approves this project by a ridiculous margin. hard to go up against the locals. Haaland basically had to negotiate down with the company, to cancel their other leases, for go-ahead on this one.

AP: The Houston-based company will relinquish rights to about 68,000 acres of existing leases in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.

they are also offsetting further with stronger protections elsewhere in alaska.

Separately, the administration moved to protect more than 13 million acres within the petroleum reserve, a 23-million acre chunk of land on Alaska’s North Slope set aside a century ago for future oil production. Areas to be protected include the Teshekpuk Lake, Utukok Uplands, Colville River, Kasegaluk Lagoon and Peard Bay Special Areas, which serve as habitat for grizzly and polar bears, caribou and migratory birds.

that’s … better than nothing.

Biden 2024: He’s… Better then nothing!

yeah, and? the alternative is to continue to sell leases at the same rate as the trmp administration did. or block all existing leases, lose the election, and watch the drilling spike back up?

ConocoPhillips has held leases to the prospective drilling site for more than two decades, and administration attorneys argued that refusing a permit would trigger a lawsuit that could cost the government as much as $5 billion, according to administration officials who asked not to be identified in order to discuss legal strategy.

The leases are essentially a contract and if the Biden administration denied the permits, essentially breached the contract, without what a court considered a valid argument, a judge would likely find in favor of the company, Mr. Leshy said. It would be unusual for a court to simply order the government to issue permits; more likely a judge would award damages, he said.

To try to minimize the fallout, the Biden administration demanded concessions. It slashed the size of the project from five drilling sites to three. ConocoPhillips agreed to return to the government leases covering about 68,000 acres in the drilling area, which lies within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. And the administration said it would put in place new protections for a nearby coastal wetland known as Teshekpuk Lake. Those measures would effectively form a “firewall” that would prevent the Willow project from expanding, the administration said.

Mr. Biden also intends to designate about 2.8 million acres of the Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean near shore in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska as off limits for future oil and gas leasing. And the Interior Department plans to issue new rules to block oil and gas leases on more than 13 million of the 23 million acres that form the petroleum reserve…

Yeah I mean we may have a massive ongoing climate crisis but no big deal, nothing to see here.


not that this isn’t a LOL BIDEN moment, but the amount of oil that will be extracted is like the US total consumption over a couple months

Also LOLBiden almost certainly greenlit blowing up Nord stream pipeline lol.

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seems like they are legitimately treating it as a big fucking deal, trying to make compromises wherever possible for the sake of some movement instead of a stalemeate


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not everyone can stand easily. biden the ableist!!!

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