The Presidency of Not So Jacked Up Joe Biden: We Beat Medicare!

dark brandon bringing the cannucks to heel

Professional fucking losers. They are the Washington Generals.

Meh who cares. The courts arenā€™t going to get fixed by appointing judges, theyā€™re going to get fixed with systemic reform. It would take longer than we have to fix it this way.

But yes allowing Feinstein to run again the last time was a huge fuck up and whoever made that call should find a new career immediately.

No it wasnā€™t, they accomplished what they wanted - kept the seat more moderate longer.

Thatā€™s not worth much honestly. Itā€™s not like thereā€™s a big enough critical mass of new people to actually have any risk to the status quo from the US Senate.

That would be FUCKING EVERYONE. Keep in mind her runoff opponent in the general election was another Democrat.

I donā€™t see a single name on this list that we canā€™t live without. Ted Lieu is probably the best person on this list Iā€™m aware of.

That being said all of these people got whipped by someone. This is what the party deciding to stick with the incumbent looks like. I want the people who made that choice out.

The consultants and behind the scenes operatives of the Democratic party need to be purged and replaced with people 10-30 years younger. AOC is right these people are corrupt and incompetent about it.

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Itā€™s not because civility. Itā€™s because establishment Democrats are highly paid professional losers.

Biden finally nominated someone to the Fifth Circuit seat thatā€™s been open since August. (beat: his nominee is 59 years old)

JFC what are you doing

when youā€™re 200 years old like Joey B, 59 is a whipper snapper

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Not an expert in British-Irish relations, but am I correct in assuming that if whiny babies are crying about this it must be awesome?


The literal Washington Generals.

Gg dems

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looooooooool fuck on Dark Oā€™Brandon, inject that right into my veins

What the hell, Old Man Brandon is just wilding over there.


lmao that jog

In. On. It.

lol, the British have TAKES

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