The Right's (and centrist/liberal media's) war on trans people

Tough, long read:

WaPo: A trans woman joined a sorority. Then her new sisters turned on her. | non-paywall link

The sisters alleged that the sorority’s vote on Artemis — using an online form that required their email addresses — was unusual and made them feel that if they didn’t approve Artemis, the sorority would “publicly label them bigots.”

huh, they seem super worried about being public bigots

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Ken Paxton on a rampage:

Magic link

Seattle Children’s sues Texas AG over request for gender care records

Children’s filed the suit after the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton served the hospital with a civil investigative demand in late November, according to to the complaint. The request sought information about patients from Texas who had received gender-affirming care services from Children’s, including details related to diagnoses, medications prescribed, laboratory testing and other treatment protocols.

Paxton’s office also asked for the number of Texas children treated at the hospital and for guidance on how to “wean” a child off gender care.

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As Hollywood descends on the state for Sundance:

The party of personal freedom!

Kid was beaten at school, who reportedly did not call an ambulance for them, was taken to the hospital by their grandmother and released that night, then taken back to the hospital the next day and died. Lots of missing details here but the second article makes the connection that this is a school district Chaya Raichik (Libs of Tik Tok) targeted with anti-LBGTQ stuff in 2022, and the same state that appointed Raichik to their state library committee earlier this year to help ban books.

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Awful situation. Ryan Walter’s and Chaya are the worst of the worst. I can’t imagine what it’s like to spew that kind of hateful rhetoric and then clutch pearls when people call you a murderer when a child is killed.

The story wasn’t covered much by local mainstream news until today. This has probably the best information, including why the family misgendered them in their obit.

Owasso awaits answers in death of nonbinary student as officials warn of misinformation

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Came in to post that, seems just savage, kid got their face smashed against a paper towel dispenser, sounds like a severe brain injury.

cops released a statement that weasel-wordedly implied the death was not connected to the fight

their mother is not going along with that

The statement could end up being correct, insofar as it was “did not die as a result of trauma” and you could picture scenarios where that’s technically correct (like a suicide attempt) and it’s still 100% because this kid was bullied, had the shit kicked out of them at school, and was then suspended by the school.

(random note: iirc from other stories, Sue is their grandmother & legal custodian, not mother as this story says)

ehhh i’d be real careful about a lot of those statements saying why someone committed suicide, especially when their guardian isn’t a parent.

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The scandal these fuckwads are alleging here is simply that a trans employee exists at Space Camp. That’s it!


Sadly, there’s nothing really surprising in that story except this:

Space Camp hosts about 26,000 participants each year.

I don’t know if this is all at once, or maybe there’s a new space camp every week, but either way that’s a whole lot of space campers.

I’ve been waiting on a study like this for years, and finally some people got around to it.


This will surely change their minds!


Doctor accused of illegally obtaining health information of Texas Children’s Hospital patients

non-paywall link

Let’s see how that works out for him!

Are the rules/laws he broke state or federal? Because if it’s the former I think it’ll work out fine for him.