The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

I can’t stay mad at America’s Sweeheart, Ginni Thomas.


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I fucking hate lawyers.

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My recollection of how this case came about is

  • NC supreme court has a liberal majority, bans partisan gerrymandering
  • Republicans are mad and file Moore v. Harper to try to get SCOTUS to do the Independent State Legislature thing and say state courts can’t tell state legislatures they did something unconstitutional (around elections, anyway)
  • While that’s in the works, conservatives get a majority back on the NC supreme court
  • For no other reason than they didn’t like the outcome of this case (like, they didn’t get an appeal or anything through official channels, they were just like “fuck those lib decisions”) they decide to re-hear this case and change its ruling

loooool Roberts is not gonna be happy about this!

Ten million dollars!!!


So if you want an elite law job you can just pay Jane Roberts, amazing system, much legitimacy.

I’m sure the SCOTUS in-house ethics panel made up of unnamed individuals will thoroughly investigate

Wtf this insane.

Although feel like something as important to the country and (ostensibly) requiring so much expertise as being a SCOTUS justice we probably should be paying them 5 million a year with super strict rules that their household literally can’t have any other income from any other source except the 5 million. Spouse can work for free somewhere if they want.

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I honestly am surprised by this, but lol me I guess

Is there a 5-4 special episode on Breyer? Peter gets so animated whenever he gets a chance to dunk on Breyer, it’s just so much fun. The man made $8,000 off his book deal, lol what a doofus.

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I’m sure Durbin will respond appropriately!


The perpetual victimhood.

That campaign included unlawful assemblies outside justices’ homes, and that wasn’t the worst of it. “Those of us who were thought to be in the majority, thought to have approved my draft opinion, were really targets of assassination,” Justice Alito says. “It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us.”


Justice Alito says “this type of concerted attack on the court and on individual justices” is “new during my lifetime. . . . We are being hammered daily, and I think quite unfairly in a lot of instances. And nobody, practically nobody, is defending us. The idea has always been that judges are not supposed to respond to criticisms, but if the courts are being unfairly attacked, the organized bar will come to their defense.” Instead, “if anything, they’ve participated to some degree in these attacks.”


“We’re being bombarded with this,” Justice Alito says, “and then those who are attacking us say, ‘Look how unpopular they are. Look how low their approval rating has sunk.’ Well, yeah, what do you expect when you’re—day in and day out, ‘They’re illegitimate. They’re engaging in all sorts of unethical conduct. They’re doing this, they’re doing that’?”

$10m over almost twenty years isn’t even that much compared to her prior career, although it is certainly for doing nothing. a top flight lawyer makes more than $500k per year no? she should come out and say she took a pay cut.

although it is impressive that it took her mere months since he was confirmed to basically make corruption her primary hustle. unless of course there’s more. there’s always more, isn’t there?

fwiw it was over 8 years. The article had a detailed breakdown and her top two earning years were like $3M each.


Roberts’s wife is taking in millions a year, Harlan Crow is giving Thomas vacations worth $500k a pop and Breyer made like $8k off a book deal, that fucking chump.


That’s incredible. Even if she got 20% of first year salary (my brother was a non-lawyer headhunter back in the day) that works out to $60M in salary. In one year.

Holy fuck.

yeah i got that too. i’m sure that’s just the tip of the iceberg over the entire 20

Thomas out there selling out for vacations and some house upgrades, Roberts of course doing it right.