The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

The article I read was that she didn’t recuse from voting on a Cert petition, and we don’t know how she voted. Small distinction, but important. Regardless, once again the right thinks this is a sufficient retort, but really, fucking boot her off, too. Boot every one off that has even a whiff of an improperly handled potential conflict.

As a listener of NPR’s Politics Podcast, I’ve noticed Nina Totenberg getting increasingly uncomfortable reporting on all of the Supreme Court shenannigans.

Is she SCOTUS Maggie?

Ginsberg officiated her wedding.

I forget who tweeted this but someone said something like, it’s very embarrassing for Totenberg that it only took a week of real journalists looking closely at SCOTUS to find a wealth of scandals that she either missed or sat on for decades.


Yeah, she’s been comfortably ensconced in her role as grand dame of SCOTUS reporting forever (decades?), palling around with various justices, comfortably floating above it all, while all this shit’s been going down. Starting to look like just another establishment POS to me.


Glossip execution stayed for now, no dissents:

My guess: The Supreme Court carves out some narrow “it’s a due process or 8th amendment violation to execute a prisoner when the motion to vacate the sentence of death is unopposed by the state” thingamajig to resolve this.

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Looking closer at his picture, it’s understable how they didn’t say “fuck you no, just die”.

With the almost daily drip drip, is it possible someone with ulterior motives is slowly releasing info?

Remember when Steven Breyer pooped during a livestremam?

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Everyone was like “Who’s that guy pooping on the voice chat? Oh, it’s Justice Steven Breyer.” True story, you can google ‘steven breyer pooping’ to learn more

I’ve never heard this story, but I’m not doing that.

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I listened to an entire podcast about Steven Breyer and all I remember is that he pooped during a livestream and also got robbed by a guy with a machete once.

Wyden (finance committee) sent Crow a sternly worded letter asking him to account all the gifts he’s given Thomas and other justices and Crow’s lawyer responded “lol fuck off”, basically

And lol, here’s how we do gun cases now in a post-Bruen world:

“Well, early Americans were racist as fuck and passed all kinds of gun bans on disfavored groups, so I guess there’s your checkmark for the ‘history & tradition’ box”

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Durbin told NPR last week their hands were tied to issue a subpoena for Crow.

“I don’t think he’ll do it voluntarily and I would say that issuing a subpoena at this point is not possible,” Durbin said.

Welp, at least they pretended to try.

Alito drawing wood at the chance to write a fiery opinion that actually Blacks and Native Americans are more dangerous than the mentally ill. 6-3 fuck your gun ban, Kavanaugh writes for the majority and Alito writes his own separate opinion.

Shocking that a court full of judges who receive all kinds of bribes rule that it’s fine for politicians to receive bribes: