The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

More Thomas investigations!

Apparently he lets them into the court?

At Horatio Alger, he moved into the inner circle, a cluster of extraordinarily wealthy, largely conservative members who lionized him and all that he had achieved. While he has never held an official leadership position, in some ways he has become the association’s leading light. He has granted it unusual access to the Supreme Court, where every year he presides over the group’s signature event: a ceremony in the courtroom at which he places Horatio Alger medals around the necks of new lifetime members. One entrepreneur called it “the closest thing to being knighted in the United States.” At the same time, Justice Thomas has served as the group’s best messenger, meeting with and mentoring the recipients of millions of dollars a year in Horatio Alger college scholarships, many of whom come from backgrounds that mirror his own.

“Say the line! Say the line!”

His friendships forged through Horatio Alger have brought him proximity to a lifestyle of unimaginable material privilege. Over the years, his Horatio Alger friends have welcomed him at their vacation retreats, arranged V.I.P. access to sporting events and invited him to their lavish parties. In 2004, he joined celebrities including Oprah Winfrey and Ed McMahon at a three-day 70th birthday bash in Montana for the industrialist Dennis Washington. Several Horatio Alger friends also helped finance the marketing of a hagiographic documentary about the justice in the wake of an HBO film that had resurfaced Anita Hill’s sexual harassment allegations against him during his confirmation.


A laundry list of trips follows (that he probably didn’t pay for).

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When I think bootstraps, I think Clarence Thomas.

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It begins:

Yeah Michigan.

yes but a maga acquaintance of mine has informed me that sotomayor once suggested that people who listened to her speech buy her book so really both sides do it


They did the corruption publicly on Venmo and Thomas is still gonna skate lol… The aides may be in some hot water though.

Very good outline about the possible consequences of 303 Creative, given that for now it is just a broad ruling about Lorie Smith’s business and we aren’t really sure what doors it opens for future bigots:

(He mentions this is the second half of a 2-parter; I think part 1 is skippable and this is the meatier one)

Here’s the contrarian view on the venmo thing, fwiw.

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Makes sense, judges are artists who express themselves through the creation of marriages and other state-sanctioned contracts. :leolol:


A very good opinion piece:

non-paywall link

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A study on the rulings of Trump judges:

Putting these numbers together…

All Christians Muslims
Democrat 33% 29% 48%
Republican 36% 42% 34%
Trump 45% 56% 19%

That’s a really wild gap!

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MJS goes hard in this, poor guy hasn’t been the same since forced to declare “I like beer” in a Senate hearing

Thomas, Barrett, and Gorsuch aren’t the only members of the court who are losing patience with Kavanaugh. Justice Elena Kagan memorably castigated him for treating “judging as scorekeeping,” whining about “how unfair it is” when he loses, and repeating the same bad arguments “at a higher volume.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor has repeatedly accused him of outright dishonesty by misrepresenting precedent and dangling false promises. In a fed-up dissent in just her first term, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson compared a Kavanaugh majority opinion to the children’s book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. Alito’s rebuttal to Kavanaugh’s dissent in Sackett v. EPA consisted of exactly one sentence: Kavanaugh’s argument, Alito wrote, “cannot be taken seriously.”

I was just thinking this morning what a piece of shit this guy is, so it’s nice to see somebody say bad things about him. But something tells me he’ll be okay (unfortunately).

I do think it will severely irritate him to know everyone thinks he’s dumb, at least.

The federalist society ghouls deliberately pick dullards, they’re less likely to defect.

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commodus.gif at any of these guys turning out to be giant hypocrites, but entertaining nonetheless:

The acrimony has been escalating since last summer, when the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, whose appointments many have ascribed to Leo’s machinations, overthrew Roe v. Wade, the fifty-year-old decision protecting women’s reproductive rights. Soon after, dozens of local protesters began appearing outside Leo’s house nearly every weekend, carrying posters decrying the corruption of the judiciary and encouraging sympathizers who drove by to honk their car horns.

Today, however, a civil lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maine that turns the tables on the Federalist Society’s co-chairman. Eli Durand-McDonnell is alleging that Leo instigated his wrongful arrest—for calling Leo “a fucking fascist.” The suit, a four-count complaint, doesn’t name Leo as a defendant. But it accuses two officers of the Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Police Departments of perpetrating a “retaliatory arrest to silence Durand-McDonnell’s free speech” while acting “at the direct behest of Leo,” whom the suit describes as “a powerful and wealthy conservative political activist who has used millions of dollars as political speech to influence American politics and courts.” As evidence, the suit draws on a recording taken from the arresting officer’s police camera, documenting that Leo called the police on July 31st. Soon after, the audio reveals that, in a private consultation in his study, the Federalist Society co-chairman told the officers that Durand-McDonnell had been harassing him and his family, and that “I really feel like this is a guy who’s gonna be in jail someday, and sooner rather than later.”

Matthew Morgan, Durand-McDonnell’s attorney, argued that shouting an expletive from a car fell well beneath the threshold needed for such a disorderly-conduct charge, which, under Maine law, requires a law-enforcement officer to witness “fighting words” likely to provoke physical violence. As Morgan put it in a phone interview, “You have the head of the Federalist Society getting a guy arrested for carrying a sign in front of his house. It’s quite an irony.” Soon after conferring with Leo in his library, according to the complaint, the two police officers arrested Durand-McDonnell.

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looooool website Karen perjured herself by pretending she’d never made a wedding website and nothing is gonna happen to her

Interesting article about the change over the last 70 years in the kind of people that get nominated to the Court:

The problem with today’s court is that we have mistaken academic intelligence for the kind of necessary wisdom formed through a long career of varied and distinguished experiences.
