The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

This seems like an overly generous interpretation of what’s happened. Nobody is being nominated for wisdom, they’re being nominated because they’re likely to be able to sit in the seat for a long time.

Alito’s talking to the Journal again!

non-paywall link

“I marvel at all the nonsense that has been written about me in the last year,” Justice Samuel Alito says during an early July interview at the Journal’s New York offices. In the face of a political onslaught, he observes, “the traditional idea about how judges and justices should behave is they should be mute” and leave it to others, especially “the organized bar,” to defend them. “But that’s just not happening. And so at a certain point I’ve said to myself, nobody else is going to do this, so I have to defend myself.”

He’s so attacked! What a martyr!

This is so utterly lazy by his WSJ interviewers, who are clearly only interested in performing hagiography:

That demonstrates a central feature of Justice Alito’s jurisprudence: its emphasis on historical context. “I think history often tells us what the Constitution means,” he says, “or at least it can tell us what the Constitution doesn’t mean.” His dissent in Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) is a case in point. “It’s perfectly clear that nobody in 1868 thought that the 14th Amendment was going to protect the right to same-sex marriage,” he says.

I’m sure most of us reading this would immediately scratch our heads like “huh, but what about all the times Alito has explicitly ignored what the authors of the Constitution & its amendments thought they meant at the time?” You’d be shocked to discover that the Journal has no such interest.

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lmao I didn’t even notice this


Among the issues on the fall docket, along with the reconsideration of Chevron: whether South Carolina impermissibly gerrymandered its congressional districts by race, whether the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding scheme is unconstitutional, whether Congress can tax unrealized investment income, and whether someone subject to a domestic-violence restraining order can be deprived of his right to possess firearms. (Mr. Rivkin and a law partner, Andrew Grossman, represent the appellants in Moore v. U.S., the tax case.)

Also it seems like Alito is just very very dumb about the one thing he’s supposed to be an expert on


If 5-4 is accurate, Congress could just revoke their office space and make the SCOTUS meet in a basement somewhere if they really wanted to play hardball.

if they had the votes to do this they would have the votes to pack the court

lol they actually think they should be accountable to no one

the editorial in wsj:

The right-wing anger and cope in Wisconsin at losing their state supreme court is off the charts


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Update on mad levels: we are at VINCE 4


What’s that you say? A raw exercise of power in violation of norms and precedent, by LIBERALS???


Any of the liberal justices from that court run for anything I ever get to vote for, they have my vote. They get it.

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Hey, remember how Clarence Thomas is just a salt-of-the-earth guy who loves nothing more than touring Real America in his RV like an everyman? Well, it costs more than two hundred and fifty grand and some rich asshole bought it for him too!


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well he “lent” him the money and the loan was “satisfied” …

which isn’t exactly the same as saying it was paid back

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Wonder if Clarence declared that forgiven debt as income :leolol:

Reporting says


Keeps getting worse! A 737 all to himself! As one does.

Again, aside from flying private, these vacations sound absolutely terrible and I would not go on them for free! Getting shuttled around like a prostitute to metaphorically suck off a bunch of self absorbed douche bags does not sound fun.

At least 38 destination vacations, including a previously unreported voyage on a yacht around the Bahamas; 26 private jet flights, plus an additional eight by helicopter; a dozen VIP passes to professional and college sporting events, typically perched in the skybox; two stays at luxury resorts in Florida and Jamaica; and one standing invitation to an uber-exclusive golf club overlooking the Atlantic coast.

Huizenga sent his personal 737 to pick Thomas up and bring him to South Florida at least twice, according to John Wener, a former flight attendant and chef on board the plane. If he were picked up in D.C., the five-hour round trip would have cost at least $130,000 each time had Thomas chartered the jet himself, according to estimates from jet charter companies. In February 2016, Thomas flew on Crow’s private jet from Washington to New Haven, Connecticut, before heading back on the jet just three hours later.

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But Kobe’s dead and this asshole is still here.

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checks and balances my ass, who are these guys actually checked by?

This and abortion should be all the Dems ever talk about for the next year.


Oh cmon, Thomas is know for his love of traveling the heartland by RV and what is an empty 737 but a flying RV?

just as the founding fathers intended