The Supreme Court: Clarence & Ginni Thomas Jet Set Edition

So like the US flag in a few years?


lmao (gift link):

And beyond that, Alito’s wife is, shocker, a fucking psycho

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What two pieces of shit. Gotta be some fun swapping going on with the Thomases.


bsky link

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Soromayor obviously staying in it for the love of the game, siding with the NRA on a first amendment (lol) claim against a New York State government official.

lol he really is just blaming his wife, what a stand-up kinda guy.

As others have pointed out, Alito is trolling by making such a big deal about his respect for a woman’s equal right to choose…what flags to raise

(also unless he’s alleging a separate instance where that woman’s husband also yelled “c—” at his wife, seems like he’s reiterating the same lies about the timelines & causation that led to the upside down flag)

Alito going with the “I am a huge cuck” defense

Not as big of a cuck as Dick Durbin:

Ah, well, he tried!


That is just incredible, I literally can’t stop chuckling every time I read that line

What was eye-catching was her explanation of why. In her ruling, Mizelle wrote she had consulted the Corpus of Historical American English, an academic search engine that returns examples of how words and phrases are used in select historical texts. Mizelle searched “sanitation,” a crucial word in the 1944 statute that authorizes the CDC to issue disease-prevention rules, and found it generally was used to describe the act of making something clean. “Wearing a mask,” she wrote, “cleans nothing.”

Searching large linguistic databases is a relatively new approach to judicial analysis called legal corpus linguistics. Although it has gained in popularity over the last decade, it is barely discussed outside of an enthusiastic group of right-wing conservative legal scholars. Which raises the question: How did this niche concept wind up driving such a consequential decision in the country’s health policy?

Now, new disclosures seen by HuffPost shed some light. Just weeks before she issued the ruling, Mizelle had discreetly attended an all-expenses-paid luxury trip from a conservative group whose primary mission is to persuade more federal judges to adopt the use of corpus linguistics. For five days, Mizelle and more than a dozen other federal judges listened to the leading proponents of corpus linguistics in the comfort of The Greenbrier, an ostentatious resort spread out over 11,000 acres of West Virginia hillside.

Trump appointed Mizelle to the federal bench in late 2020 over objections from the American Bar Association that she had not been practicing law long enough to be qualified. A search of her other rulings found she had never previously applied corpus linguistics.

Lovely, “semanticsing” in its worst form now loose in the federal judiciary.

A mask is a filter. Filters are used to…

Clean things

Has a single Dem politico called for Thomas/Alito to resign?

they’ve frowned a lot and even written a letter!

Hold up - you have to give them some credit. They even tried writing a letter to their boss!

Nice one from the local political cartoonist:

Alito is unflagging in his refusal to recuse


A Northern District of Texas judge (not Kacsmaryk, but same district!) did something that made even the Fifth Circuit be like “dude, no”:

Three-judge panel (one GWB appointee, two Trump) decided 3-0 “lol what the fuck is this shit”