Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Future historians are so fucked.


I mean, of course it will get overturned if a democrat commits any crimes.

Edit: Lol, who am I kidding, we’re never getting a democratic president again.

BBBBBBBBut Biden could go full Dark Brandon and jail Trump, right?

It’ll definitely get overturned…

IF Biden drops out and…

IF the replacement candidate wins and…

IF Dems pack the court and…

IF no civil war breaks out OR…

IF Dems win the ensuing civil war.


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A little hair dye and mustache trim and he’s there.


Yeah no way that haircut is an accident

NYT is just trolling everyone now.

…so ubiquitous as to be unavoidable even by those who see how broken it is. It’s just Facebook.

oh fuck me



I thought the coalition that formed isn’t going to be particularly stable

(the tracker is here and has increased by 1 House rep since this image)

If The NY Times is the cause of this “panic” then they are the most important and essential publication of all time, ainec. Somebody has to at least draw attention to the fact that the emperor has no clothes before it is too late do anything about it.

If they did one for “How many Dems have said Biden totally can’t win but they support him anyway?” it would be a lot more interesting.

Thinking back, it’s pretty fucking astonishing how many high level GOP politicians at one point denounced Trump as unfit for the Presidency only to be slurping him weeks to months later. I guess Biden is just taking a page out of Trump’s playbook. Of course, the reasons why it worked for Trump don’t apply, but I can see how he could delude himself into thinking it might work for him too.