Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

lol Taibbi is a pathetic simp who absolutely knows where his bread is buttered now

The whole “Whether or not the public is right about the lab leak, IDK” line from Nate just gives it away completely. This is actually what’s important here? The Substack idiots are in such a bubble that the origins of COVID are an unimportant little detail, what matters is how unfair the media is to guys with uninformed, xenophobic takes.


Name that publication


lol I was going to guess National Review or NY Post, but deep down I had a feeling when I clicked through eyebooger’s tweet that yes, it was gonna be the WSJ being that openly bigoted

sounds like the author doesn’t support the TROOPS!

please tell me this is the pitchbot

I know it’s not but holy fuck

fucking fuck, just fucking cancel this blowhard, or both, i don’t care

Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 1.52.54 PM

My guess is WSJ.

is “raise taxes on the rich” effective wording for democrats? would it poll better if it’s framed as reversing the Trump billionaire giveaways or something like that?

I don’t have any real data on this but sticking it to the rich just has to be political gold for Dems. The right really isn’t all that jazzed up about tax cuts these days, the Trump cuts were supposed to be a big win for them but no one really cared.


re: this article

Even while the article enumerates on many statements she’s made, in public, that are plainly racist, the chickenshit authors refuse to call her racist or to frame this as anything other than a real debate about “academic freedom”:

Hmm, her supporters say that. Do you, as the fucking reporters writing this story, have any thoughts about whether they are accurately describing this woman?

And these are just the statements she’s made in public venues, the article has many more examples of things students (and colleagues!) claimed she said. But nah, better just print both sides of the story and call it a day.


A Jewish nazi. Interesting


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Wait Singal is the reporter right?

They couldn’t have committed a HIPAA violation. That only applies to covered entities and he most certainly isn’t one

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REEFER MADNESS. You know its a solid, fact based article when they disable comments.

@CaffeineNeeded do you know if this is legit?

Like, people are perfectly normal and then smoke weed and then they’re never the same? Wat

alternative theory: the boomers that wrote this editorial have brain worms

People with psych disorders get worse when you take most drugs. That’s all that is really, and it seems like she had some sort of psychotic disorder that would have happened without marijuana.

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