Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

or perhaps she just sucks at food

And that brings us to the inevitable unpleasantness of the Double Down, a factor so obvious that it seems pedantic to complain about: It’s just kind of gross to eat fried chicken patties with your hands.

wtf? how does she normally eat fried chicken?

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She probably sees a difference between fried chicken and chicken patties. It may be delicious, but it is pretty disgusting.


The whole point of the bread is you can hold it without getting your hands greasy.

KFC’s clientele has a different set of priorities


Chait’s brain rot has progressed to the point where jbouie is now trying to give him basic lessons in critical thinking skills (Reed is the “whistleblower” who went to Bari Weiss with stuff about attack helicopters, so Bouie is referring to her batshit, uncorroborated account that people like Chait and Singal have gone all-in on versus actual reporting from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch talking to parents who have taken their kids there who are like “uh none of this stuff is true”)


Everyone on Twitter is taking turns dunking on Chait, I’ve never seen anything quite like it.

LOL if you guessed “have 2 nannies,” you win.

My son’s nanny comes at 8 a.m., and we take our daughter to our neighborhood coffee place. It’s our fun little ritual before we start our days. My daughter has had a nanny since she was 4 months old, who she absolutely adores.


Goddamn it I had 4 nannies. Good for her economizing.

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lol, Taibbi used to be a good journalist and now he’s getting owned by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

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Okay here’s an actual media person doing the same thing:

Ellis is a MAGA shithead so I’m sure that’s why Tapper is reflexively lining up for the windmill dunk on a post that, I’m sorry, is objectively funny:

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it is in fact objectively funny, which is weird because usually these chuds’ idea of “humor” is something like “lol hunter biden did crack”

it’s also an incredibly bad look for someone who was pretty high up the totem pole but hey that’s pretty on brand

DWS being… good was not on my 2023 bingo card.

Jake Tapper, we don’t need you on that wall.

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I have a distant memory of Tapper being a good journalist at some point long ago

I think it’s Michael Hobbes or else Peter who keeps making the point that these chuds always want to skip straight over the facts on the ground and get to the meta-narrative of whining about the media. Is the lab leak theory correct? lol, IDK, what’s important is that the diabolical media’s efforts to suppress right-wing cranks is failing.

Here Nate is tripping over his own dick, though. It’s not misinformation if the lab leak theory really is bullsiht! You do actually have to decide if the lab leak thing has merit before crowing about how correct the public is on the lab leak theory.


Nate the Numbers Guy being like “definitely the fault of the liberal media for saying the lab leak theory was BS” (note: the liberal media gave plenty of oxygen to the lab leak story lol, what planet is he living on) “that so many people believe it now, the conservatives amplifying it all over their news & social media had nothing to do with it” is some of the dumbest punditry he’s ever performed, and that’s a high bar

press and research institutions: there’s another round of covid misinformation
nate: that’s not the effect of misinformation, the public is too sophisticated for that. it’s a reaction to labeling it ‘misinformation’.


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