Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

It’s so frustrating how shitty the reporting on this is. In 20 years it will just be common knowledge that COVID started in a lab, it will be just one of those things everyone is wrong about.

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Nate entering the “I am so persecuted” phase of his Substack transition

“I am simply a defender of liberalism, the thing that all these other so-called liberals claimed to stand for, and that is why they are mad at me, because I am just so principled in defense of just asking questions”


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I thought this was settled. We invaded because Saddam tried ot kill Bush’s Dad. He told us this at the time. Why didn’t we believe him?

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At some point there ought to have been a mass purge of pro-Iraq war pundits. You’ve failed in the most maximal way imaginable at your job, find a new job.

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They did not fail in their job. They succeeded in incredible fashion. Their job simply wasn’t to deliver fair and accurate punditry…


I agree with this, but I definitely think that’s a lot of why punditry is so lolbad all the time.


Growth and prosperity for who?


Won’t anyone think of the work tyrants and supposedly high performing assholes?

Why is the NYT so proud of paying these incurious dunces to be the official Ideas People of the Paper of Record? A Bret Stephens joint:

But if there was one indisputably real W.M.D. in Iraq, it was Hussein himself. Until his downfall, he put everyone and everything he encountered at risk.

My god

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John “Ghoul” Bolton on CNN talking about nukes in Belarus and supports Benji’s judicial reforms in Israel. Indictments will help L’Orange get re-elected especially if he gets acquitted. Lol if indicted anything going to trial before 2024.

Rainbow text:

Asked what values unite the nation, Elana Reiser, 43, of Brookhaven, N.Y., pointed to economic opportunity. “No matter your starting point, you can always become successful,’’ she said.

[nervous laughter] what the fuck?