Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Cheap plastic is really lots cheaper than Tupperware

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And if you aren’t cost sensitive you probably worry about the health risks involved in microwaving your food in plastic.

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yeah my wife threw out all the plastic and now I have tons of pyrex shit

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As Hobbes says, great look into how the sausage is made; this fucking NYT clown has already decided what kind of story he wants to write and is just looking for the quotes he can use to make it happen


That someone could misspell Urkel and Kaepernick like that is precious.

Wasn’t Tupperware an mlm in some way? I feel like Tupperware parties were a real thing where one housewife would sell to others.


The New York Times is so incredibly embarrassing. You can see their front pages here and in the past week we’ve had

  • 5 days of the Discord leaker and his leaks
  • something about Chinese consumers liking Chinese electric cars (???)
  • 2 days of the expelled Tennessee lawmakers
  • a banner ad for HBO Max
  • 5 days of Russia-Ukraine war
  • the aforementioned Stanford Law Freeze Peach story
  • ZERO (0) stories about a Supreme Fucking Court Justice being in the middle of a corruption shitstorm

These absolutely worthless fucks


he really should have at least blurred out the phone number though

If a Supreme Court Justice takes blatant bribes, and the paper of record doesn’t cover it, did it happen?

My understanding is that they were the first company to make a ton of sales without ever being in retail stores. They sold direct to consumers through those parties, don’t remember hearing they were scammy, vaguely remember a podcast where they talked about weirdness between the founder and first head of sales, but it was a while ago.

I honestly don’t understand how the NY times even exists in 2023. Who pays for this? Not the 90% of manhattan voters who voted for Biden. Not the trumpers. Who?

Hard to spot sarcasm at times online but NYTs core demo is educated democrats making over 100k. That’s a decent chunk of Manhattan voters.

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Wasn’t being sarcastic (this time) I honestly don’t get it. Is there really enough of those people to pay for the NY times being in business?

Its shitlibs. There are a lot of them.

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NYT has been the gold standard of reporting for ages, it has a momentum, it takes a while for your average Joe to catch on.

I get some the NYT hate but on other hand how many daily newspapers are you all ranking as better?

It’s this exactly