Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

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He is insinuating that Biden is an extreme leftist and commenting him for moving right on DC crime and immigration. Motherfucker, Joe Biden IS the centrist compromise.

I’m not going to read that argle bargle. Is Lieberman part of a new party? Maybe AOC is to blame


He started an organization called No Labels that will run a third party candidate if they view the two parties as still being too extreme. He paints it as a threat against both parties, but given how our elections work, it’s only a threat against Dems. If they run third party they hand the election to the GOP.

He also said the ticket would be one D and one R, no word on who gets the top of the ticket, not that it’ll matter. Coin flip we prefer the Republican to the Sinemanchin style Dem he’d pick.

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I mean lets get a grip here there’s zero JOE LIEBERMAN voters in 2023.

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He’s not running, he’s going to help pick the ticket.

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Did he ditch the “Connecticut for Joe” party? cold blooded.

Maybe he’ll pull a Dick Cheney and declare “after an exhaustive and comprehensive search, we’ve decided the best candidate is…Joe Lieberman.”

It’ll be like Manchin, Sinema, or Cuellar for the Dems and at first glance I’d say Romney or Murkowski for the GOP. However, Romney won’t want to play spoiler and Murkowski is probably smart enough not to throw away a lifetime seat in Alaska behind this. So he’s going to have to actually go to the back bench and find someone who was basically run out of the party or quit over MAGA. Like Jeff Flake, John Boehner, Charlie Dent, or Paul Ryan.

Manchin is a joke on abortion talking out of both sides of his mouth and Cuellar is pro-life. Since that’s going to be a key issue, Sinema is probably going to be their top choice. That rules out Flake, unless he’s relocated. Charlie Dent seems pretty happy to cash CNN checks now and then and live a low profile life. Paul Ryan probably still sees himself as the future of the reconstructed GOP.

Boehner has been a pot lobbyist, so what does he have to lose? It would actually be pretty sharp of this group to run a pro-choice pro-weed ticket.

I don’t think it’s automatic that they spoil it one way or the other, it’s going to really come down to the state-by-state. But the reality is they have ~no shot to win, and if they are actually competitive the overwhelming likelihood is that they throw it into the House where the GOP wins with ease. Running a third party candidate while controlling zero delegations in the US House with said third party is 99% likely to be either a spoiler or a non-event.

I don’t remotely see this as a possibility.

This would require the “unity D/R ticket” to actually win electoral votes. I don’t see this stunt even getting 10% in any state.

Fair take, but I think they might have a shot at a few states depending on who they pick. Maybe a Kasich or Boehner gets the requisite 35% in Ohio. Sinema probably doesn’t in Arizona, but Manchin would be drawing very live in West Virginia.

Only 740k print subscribers.

I think they have less of a shot that you’re describing, but if someone could actually put the OH or WV electoral votes into the “not R” column, it could be argued that’s +EV for the Democrat in the presidential race.

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For sure, but those are just two examples. A Charlie Dent might draw live in Pennsylvania, a Susan Collins in Maine, a Mitt Romney or Charlie Baker in Massachusetts, etc. It really depends on the two names on the ticket. Romney won’t do it, I assume, but he puts Utah, Massachusetts, and possibly Nevada and Arizona in play.

There’s also a weird tipping point dynamic where as soon as they can put one state in play, they will poll better across the board. Plus it’s a ton of strategic variance for campaign managers and strategists.

The polling MOEs probably get wider and it gets a lot tougher to properly allocate ad spends, which could lead to a costly mistake that tips a swing state.

Mitt Romney got obliterated in MA in 2012. There’s no reason to believe he would be remotely competitive there in 2024.

Your point about a tipping point dynamic is legitimate; I just don’t think any unity ticket can get there (or even close).

CNN is predicting that (squints at calculator) approximately 2800 people will be hit by this dumb satellite?

Lightning risk seems questionable too


that’s from the NWS and over the course of your lifetime, not an individual event

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