Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

He’ll have to move extremely fast if he wants to run in 2024.

goodnight, sweet prince

Man it’s gonna be awkward when Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon run into each other in the unemployment line.

never liked him and couldn’t place my finger on why, didnt know he was a creep

It’s going to be chefs kiss when CNN doubles what fox was paying Tucker

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Maybe I’m going to be in the minority here, but I think Tucker is replaceable. That time slot for Fox News always had big ratings from whatever blow hard they put in there. I don’t see him as some special talent.

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Yeah anybody remember Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly? They’ll find a new crazy to read the propaganda from the teleprompter. Glenn Beck was better at the job than Tucker was imho.

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Beck sucks and O’Reiley was already past his prime when he left. There’s nothing like Tucker leaving, it’s like when Rush died and they filled his timeslot with Rush reruns for a month, he’s irreplaceable.

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Haha, this Don Lemon thing looks messy as heck, hope we get a lot of drama.

yea. I know a lot of you likely didn’t watch tucker but I’d tune in periodically over the last year or two to get a sense of what insanity was being peddled. he had a unique, frantic delivery and averaged something like 2+ million viewers a night.

he was getting increasingly more extreme the last year. surprised it took this long.

he likely just goes to OAN or some other fringe network but his reach won’t be as wide.

Underrated victim of today’s events is Glenn Greenwald, Tucker was amazing for his grift and now he’ll have to cultivate new relationships on the far right to keep that going.

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Yeah I mean he’s clearly replaceable in that they’ll have some new asshole owning the libs in that spot but it’s unlikely it’ll be the same form of white supremecy that TC was doing at 8pm to your grandparents.

Yeah I am expecting Fox to step on the dope package at least one more time than previously in the wake of the really pure shit Tucker was slinging costing them at least a billion dollars.

This guy has half a million followers and his name sounds familiar. That would be a really tough ticket.

And this guy is involved in right wing messaging and thinks he may run for president.

There’s a crapload of Tucker viewers who only tune in to Tucker because the rest of Fox News isn’t crazy enough for them.

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now is jesse waters’ chance!

tucker is really big news. i came here to post something from last week that bothered me when i opened the tab again today. oh well, posting it anyways

Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 10.05.51 AM

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I think if Tucker runs, he goes full populist/nationalist and takes the best of Trumpism and DeSantis:

Pro-Medicare and Social Security
War on Woke
Pro Police/Law and Order
War on CRT and Diversity/Equity in spending
Pro middle class tax cuts
Anti government spending if a dollar goes minorities

He’ll do it all with the jokes like Trump but he’ll dial them back like 25% in terms of the racism and crassness. He’ll triangulate to not turn off the people who want to vote R but can’t stomach Trump anymore.

He’d be a nightmare to run against. Look at that platform and ask, how do Dems run against it? They’d agree on SS & Medicare, and on middle class tax cuts. If the election is about woke, we lose. If it’s about CRT, we lose. If it’s about spending money on minorites, we lose.

Man, I saw the tweets about Lemon being fired, and I thought for sure it was just right wing trolling in the wake of Tucker’s firing, like, “You got one of ours, so we’ll spread lies about one of yours being fired.”

Ok having digested this a bit, it’s clear Tucker was fired. He may or may not run for something, but this isn’t him doing that by choice.

If he left by choice, amicably, he’d have gotten a send off. When you don’t know your last show was your last show until it’s over, you got fired. That’s how they avoid the risk of an angry on air rant.

So we’ll probably find out what it was soon. Sexual harassment has to be the betting favorite, but caught taking money from Putin would be a fun one.