Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices


Wowza if story plays out as Tucker was a religious martyr and turns evangelicals against Fox that would certainly be a wild result. Might wreck Fox but Tucker would be president

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That goes a long way toward explaining the increasing secularization of the GOP since the 80’s. Rupert’s tired of the Pat Roberstson God Squad guys, so secular freaks like Limbaugh and BillO got the spotlight.

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Shitcanning Trucker to spite an ex-gf is the best possible angle and I could not have imagined it.


Several weeks ago, as Fox News lawyers prepared for a courtroom showdown with Dominion Voting Systems, they presented Tucker Carlson with what they thought was good news: They had persuaded the court to redact from a legal filing the time he called a senior Fox News executive the c-word, according to people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Carlson, Fox News’s most-watched prime-time host, wasn’t impressed. He told his colleagues that he wanted the world to know what he had said about the executive in a private message, the people said.

Has tucker made any comment since the news broke on Monday? Seems unlike his personality to stay quiet and not try to shape the narrative at all.

that oppo file that rupert has must be absolutely stacked

I’m not saying there’s a Tucker dick pic in play, but I’m also not saying there isn’t.

Tucker is a proud asshole, it has to be really bad. Like sex crimes bad.

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There could be sex crimes associated with the dick pics.

Right, what horrors could Murdoch have that would shame a guy who proudly promotes the great replacement theory on prime time cable?

The simplest explanation is usually the correct one:

You go Frank! Call out those snively, angry, lazy youngsters! Boom, have some!

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lol “diversity of ideas” is a phrase I’ve heard a lot at work from dipshit conservatives trying to launder their shitty, inhumane political opinions into something noble and at this point I can’t help but laugh every time I see it


What Luntz is suggesting here is that the correct response to people yelling literal Nazi propaganda would be to quietly listen, it’s never OK to shout them down? lol go fuck yourself loser


I remember in the 00’s I heard a lot of campus conservatives whine about “ideological diversity,” it was an obvious, bad-faith co-opting of the affirmative action discourse. PS these crappy conservative ideas aren’t even diverse! They’re conventional, status-quo ideas almost by definition!

People calling for diversity of ideas inevitably hold an incredibly narrow set of ideas. That one phrase is enough to know how they feel about everything but their favorite sports team.

They do this all the time with a lot of other concepts and terms from the left. It’s super annoying.