Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices



Dowd may be the nut-low worst. Why is anyone supposed to find this blather informative or care? Self-absorbed boomer shit and the NYT prints it for some reason.

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100% a gummy left by the owner imo.

Also see this is kids every once in awhile. If you know it happened, it’s pretty straightforward, they can usually go home. Problem is that you don’t know that it happened lots of the time so you have some altered 18 month old and you have to do blood, spinal taps, etc

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What the fuck man

wtf. The guy yelling and taking his jacket off literally sounds like an every day occurrence on NYC subways. I’ve had someone actually threaten me on a NYC train. Wanted to fight, wanted to fight my mom, then proceeded to urinate all over the floor. You know what we didn’t do? Murder the guy.

How very unamerican. Clearly he should have just been shot.

Yep, pretty much.

This is shockingly not one of their dumbass conservatives but David Leonhardt writing in their morning newsletter?? Absolutely bizarre stuff

That’s a bigger cry for help than the kids who were cutting themselves in high school.

Checked the FN mobile site. Not a mention of the seditious conspiracy trial or the Trump trial.

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they just happened to bump into her in an ohio diner

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Article about the article. NYT deserves no clicks for this puff piece of a fucking psycho criminal.


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Flipped the TV on this morning for a quick break and caught the Center for Responsible Government shill being interviewed by 1957 “Best Young Reporter” Andrea Mitchell

That was a poor life choice.

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lmao imagine an hour of asking Trump questions about policy, galaxy brain stuff from Matty

Actually I think this would be great if the right person did it.

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Mehdi Hasan isn’t walking through that door!

Anyway, here’s another guy showing his ass