Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Remember when they literally flipped a coin for a delegate lolololol

It’s not just that the caucus sucks but for the rest of the month the media acts like it’s meaningful when Ron Paul or some other wingnut wins. Ted Cruz won in 2016, Santorum in 2012, Huckabee in 2008, all it’s doing is measuring who weird-ass evangelical voters like.

Astute observation; see the NYT home page this morning:

(Hint: that’s not a constitutional law book he’s clutching.)

And extra LOL at “He’s got principles.” Come on, we’re talking about Donald Trump! SMH.

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NYT strikes again:


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“How do suburban white people feel about Trump?” will never not be front-page NYT material. Gotta know if they still like Trump!

More on the evangelical Christian angle:

Magic link

MAGA Has Devoured American Evangelicalism

But there’s not going to be a post-Trump religious right — at least, not anytime soon. Evangelical leaders who started their alliance with Trump on a transactional basis, then grew giddy with their proximity to power, have now seen MAGA devour their movement whole.
[ … ]
From this wreckage has emerged a version of evangelicalism that sometimes seems like a brand-new religion, with Trump at the center of it. [ … ]

(P.S. to @admin, the link preview/magic box function said that NYT returned a 403 (access forbidden), so the normal preview wouldn’t work. Do you think they have blocked us?)

lol there’s going to be a winter storm in Iowa on Monday, which means only the absolute biggest weirdos are going to show up. Trump is going to utterly crush this.

We have a winner

Playing the hits

The left has been clear that it intends to pack the Supreme Court by creating new seats and the Senate by admitting the District of Columbia as a state. Less than two years ago, leftist mobs descended on the homes of justices to pressure and intimidate them. Mr. Biden’s Justice Department refused to enforce the law that protects jurists from such bullying.

The president has opened the border and produced an illegal mass migration unprecedented in our history, while members of his party have pushed to permit foreign nationals to vote in local elections.

How does Mr. Biden explain the unprecedented acts of his agents seeking to ban challengers from the ballot? It isn’t only the brazen and unconstitutional attempt to bar Mr. Trump.

None of this is true

In recent years, Democrats have rigged election laws to extend voting over an entire month, accept ballots after Election Day, allow political operatives to harvest ballots, use mail-in ballots with no chain of custody, and prevent observers from unobstructed views of ballot counting.

I can’t imagine they’ve blocked us specifically, probably just changed something about how they handle the type of requests Discourse sends.

It is somewhat puzzling to me why Discourse has chosen its own set of integrations rather than doing what, like, Slack or Discord or every other chat app does to pull site previews, since lots of sites (WaPo and Bloomberg come to mind, maybe NYT now too if this isn’t just a temporary bug) don’t seem to work with this scheme. But :person_shrugging: not much we can do about it afaik.

Maybe this is the case, because I just saw someone complaining about the same thing on another Discourse site.

Thanks for looking, though.

Few people need punched in the face as much as Chait. Hes Bret Stephens / Ross Douthat level.

This tactic is so intellectually dishonest. “Oh sure our actual legislators are extreme BUT HAVE YOU CONSIDERED that “leftists” (meaning, a bunch of protestors who are nowhere near the actual levers of power) are also extreme???”

The disparity in these comparisons is always massive but the conclusion is always “both sides are bad so nobody should say anything”

Not to mention the lolworthiness of the best case they’re presenting for their side here; we’re supposed to believe ideas of packing the court (via…legislation!) and admitting DC as a state (hahahaha what???) are comparable to January 6th? What does their imagined “mass migration” have to do with democracy even if it were true?

“Sure these powerful people did X but these other people with zero power think Y.” And media falls for it every time. Makes you think



What the hell, was he always this entertaining the whole time?

Reminded me of this:


These are all referring to the same NYT opinion piece: “The Appeal of an All-American Strongman”