Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

NYT with a classic “talk about the GOP without mentioning racism” bit



(to be fair, the article is not endorsing that campaign, just a dumb opinion-writers-need-to-write-something piece about how you should…refresh yourself on what he’s about? in case we’ve forgotten?)

I went to a Bernie Sanders rally in 2016 and due to knowing the right people got right in front. That was fun. I would have 0 desire to ever go to a Trump rally however, what the fuck is this guy smoking?

I regret to inform you what Bari Weiss’s publication “The Free Press” is publishing in the year of our lord 2024

We are all fucked. In like 5 years the news will be 95% AI-generated slop.

Only the NYT could make a both-sides story out of one side that’s re-nominating the guy who lost the last election, who’s embroiled in unprecedented criminal scandals over an insurrection attempt and more and more resembling fascist dictators from a century ago, and the other side which has…the incumbent president running for a second term in completely normal fashion.

Like what the fuck is their contention here, that if the election were Trump vs. Newsom people would be like “ah, phew, this is more normal”? Which side of the rematch is the surprising one here, you fucking dunces?

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Did they interview David Sklansky for this?

floating wild theories — including that Michelle Obama might replace President Biden.


Seriously. I saw that headline, then just shook my head and kept scrolling.

I really need to cancel my NY Times subscription.

I’ve been working on my mom. I don’t think she’ll ever cancel because she’s a devotee of their games (crosswords, Spelling Bee, etc.) but I’m at least getting her to view a lot of their reporting on conservative culture war flashpoints with skepticism.

The story is actually fine, and the headline of the actual piece is “Obama told a story about America at his first inauguration 15 years ago. These people were there, and they still believe” which is also fine.

But this CNN home page presentation makes it seem like “Hey maybe all these racists have a point!”

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Racists see… rest of quote is fine.


Interestingly I x searched

Tesla diversity
Tesla DEI

Both returned “posts aren’t returning right now”

Other searches work fine.

cuban’s reply guys have an average IQ of about 65

FoxNews and conservatives in general have always exhibited a deep-seated defensiveness about race in America.

But I’m wondering what is my takeaway supposed to be here? Like is this supposed to be a comeuppance for Burton? Is he a hypocrite since he’s (presumably) against Confederates and yet HE IS ONE!? :harold:


Yeah this isn’t the ownage they think it is. This is them saying ‘hey did you know that one of your ancestors was conceived when another one of your ancestors was raped by a famous enslaver who killed to protect his right to own and rape other human beings?’ and then asking if that changes his perspective on the whole matter.

Yes I’m sure that will make him feel all the kinship with white people lol. This perspective is just about the most toxic white conservative thing ever lol.


That’s a deceptive headline, trying to make those who don’t own homes breath a sigh of relief and decide forced permanent renting is fine. But in reality the survey says…

Around 27 percent said they regretted choosing a bad location, while 26 percent said they came to regret the bad neighbors their home is near. Just under that, 25 percent of millennials, which comprise those born from 1981 to 1996, said high interest rates caused them to have regrets about their home purchase.

So at least 53% of the ones who regret it don’t regret that they bought a house, they regret the location or neighbors. 25% regret buying a house due to rates - but even then they may regret stretching and being house poor and wish they’d bought a cheaper house, as opposed to regretting becoming home owners.