Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

These days I think Newsweek and Salon are ragebaity outlets for libs.


I went on the NYT website to see what they are covering instead and good god will someone please make these fucking boomers go away



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Abbott wrote a secession letter? Man, Biden should snap-call that.

Damn it’s 2024 and we’re still doing the “How does the lady politician dress herself?” stories?

Right on cue

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mcardle has a really singular ability to concoct the absolute worst possible takes from what otherwise seem like totally one-sided issues.

What is her take? That capping-fees increases the incentive to bounce checks like wearing a bicycle helmet encourages more dangerous behavior?


Oh FFS “let’s think of the bankers!” wasn’t the take I was thinking…

The end is the best part. Basically, “I’m really not sure about any of this, but I don’t think the administration is either.”

GJGE Megan, way to research the facts!

this is pretty much always her take, “I don’t know any actual facts but I just WANT such and such to be true”

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literally today, another “I don’t really know the facts and I am going to ignore any data that isn’t in line with what I want to believe” take:


lol wow she is so despicable

“So I’m just spitballing a hypothetical here, but my completely uneducated guess is that it isn’t 26k, and it probably isn’t even 10k, and let’s face it we are all probably ok with 1 or 2 thousand rape babies a year in Texas…”


Good time to recall the ultimate McArdle take: when Grenfell Tower burned down and killed a bunch of people in a death trap, libertarianism is still good:

It’s possible that by allowing large residential buildings to operate without sprinkler systems, the British government has prevented untold thousands of people from being driven into homelessness by higher housing costs.

Megan McArdle on corncob tv: “It’s possible that there’s that many dead bodies falling out of coffins every day. And it’s possible that one out of every five of them are nude. But the real numbers are likely lower. One would think you must have rigged something. But I don’t know.”


LOL “Putative.”


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