Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

Things are too expensive for you to afford, and the only solution is to pay you less. We hope you’ll agree this will solve your problems.

Yours truly,
The Global Elites

ross douche-hat

If only we had some kind of archive where we could look up who was in the White House “before the Biden administration”

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I wish that were true

Police baton to the knee deserved for that headline/phrasing.

The published drug used were insane. Ativan, fentanyl, provigil, ambien. Pure lunacy

Can you translate that tweet into English? Because I don’t understand #2 at all.

Swift is a Democrat. Kelce does commercials for vaccinations. Their relationship isn’t real. It’s a publicity stunt to convince people to vote for Democrats and get vaccinated.

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I guess missing context here is that the nutjob wing of the GOP is freaking out, in the wake of the Chiefs making the Super Bowl, about Taylor Swift & Travis Kelce (aka “Mr. Pfizer”) being a CIA psy-op as part of Biden’s re-election campaign. So Douthat, thinking himself to be one of the reasonable conservatives and certainly not one of the nutjobs, is asking GOP candidates to make clear which of the two camps they are in: are you one of the crazy conspiracy theorists, or one of the good and nice conservatives like him who simply has the good & wholesome belief that the, uhhh…“last best hope for America” is…Travis Kelce, and Taylor Swift…getting married…and…“procreating”?

Super normal stuff from the Times opinion page’s brightest minds!

Am I the only American who, if shown a photograph of Taylor Swift and some other random women, would not be able to pick out Taylor Swift?

Or Kelce for that matter.

And didn’t know he was part of the Chiefs till just now.

Or that the Chiefs made the Super Bowl.

Or that the Super Bowl was coming up.

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I would guess plenty of Americans don’t watch TV, follow football, or listen to pop music.

So the Trump White House was dealing out drugs to staffers, who were running the country while high on pain killers?

This is maybe the greatest “Imagine if Obama did it,” ever.

If you asked me to name two drugs that I would expect and be okay with the White House dispensing to staffers/executives off label, I think provigil and a sleeping med (ideally not Ambien though) would be the two I’d name. I had insomnia for years and tried Ambien once, and the idea of people running the country taking that and then possibly getting a 3am call to come in for an emergency is TERRIFYING.

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Some the articles had pretty funny quotes about them just handing out ziploc bags of pills

I think military uses ambien and sonata as their downers and provigil as upper

I would guess something like 90% of Americans would recognize Taylor Swift. She’s probably the third most recognizable American right now behind Trump and Biden.

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Isn’t that the female protagonist from Resident Evil?

You’d be the loner out of everyone I associate with. I can’t even comprehend not knowing these things, you may as well be an alien in my mind.

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