Whereupon We Pontificate About Poor Media Outlet Choices

LOL NYT platforming Kellyanne Conway.


Not linking but it’s on the home page if you’re interested.



Even by WSJ editorial page standards, this is insane:


They have another one saying Trump is actually the pro democracy candidate, just total clown show shit over there.

Right wing media is almost entirely trolling. They’re just leaning into it now.

Big yuks over their Waldorf salad at lunch.

I don’t think that’s insane by WSJ’s standards. Sure it’s insane, but that’s been a standard argument for years. Without Americans paying high prices, covering for other rich countries, we would get less innovation, less new drugs. It’s an argument the guy in the well would make

It’s at least pretty funny now that Republicans are the “America first” populism party. Like Trump will drone on and on about winning trade deals but isn’t “Americans pay way too much money to subsidize drug innovation that the rest of the world benefits from” legit one of the worst trade deals in history (that the corporate wing of the GOP absolutely loves)?

That’s a good way to frame it.

CNN with the bare minimum counterprogramming https://twitter.com/bidenhq/status/1756063950171492582


Mobile NYT, not a mention of any of the absolute treasonous shit about NATO or Rounding up immigrants on day 1.

All the Biden op-Ed’s still on the first couple of screens.

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It’s the second article for me this AM

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Got it on a re-load.

The headline article above is pretty grim

As in most former Soviet states, Ukraine has a small generation of 20-year-olds because birthrates plummeted during the deep economic depression of the 1990s. Because of this demographic trough, there are now three times as many men in their 40s as in their 20s in Ukraine.

Drafting more men in their 20s, given the likely battle casualties, would risk reducing the number of births in this small generation of Ukrainians, resulting in declines of draft- and working-age men decades from now and endangering the country’s future security and economy.

If Ukraine loses this war they will be worse off than Belarus.

lol, lmao



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Dems had 4 years to find someone under 75 to run, they completely walking into this. gjge
